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Research news from the Charles Perkins Centre

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23 September 2024

Eat like a gladiator: Whole grain and legume diet enhances health

In the pursuit of optimal health and longevity, our dietary choices play a crucial role. While many diets emphasize the consumption of protein-rich foods like meat, there's a wealth of evidence suggesting that the real champions of a healthy diet are whole grains and legumes.
20 September 2024

$2M for Aboriginal-led disability workforce research

Professor John Gilroy will lead a team of Aboriginal researchers on a research project that aims to identify ways to make the disability services sector an attractive occupation for the recruitment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
13 September 2024

5 picky eating habits - and how to help your children overcome them

Have you ever found yourself negotiating with a pint-sized dictator about eating a single pea? You're not alone. Almost half of kids go through a stage of picky eating, and this typically peaks around the age of three explains Nick Fuller, a Charles Perkins Centre Research Program Leader, from the University of Sydney.