Visitor safety information

Updated Monday 17 October 2022

The latest information about COVID protocols and visiting the Museum

Changes to self-isolation rules

From Friday, 14 October, it is no longer mandatory to self-isolate if you test positive to COVID-19. It is still recommended, however, that you stay at home and take steps to protect others.

  • NSW Health recommends you get tested for COVID-19 and stay at home if you have cold or flu symptoms (runny nose, sore throat, cough, fever)
  • You should remain at home while you are symptomatic, even if you test negative for COVID-19, so you don’t infect other people. 
  • If you test positive for COVID-19, you may be infectious for up to 10 days, but you are most infectious while you have symptoms and in the two days before your symptoms start

To reduce the risk to other visitors to the Chau Chak Wing Museum, we strongly recommend that you: 

  • Stay home until your symptoms have resolved 
  • Maintain social distancing practices 
  • Wear a properly fitted mask within the indoor areas of the Museum – masks are available for guests for free in the foyer
  • For dedicated teaching spaces (Object Based Learning Studios and the School Education Room), we encourage the wearing of masks, however when participating in a close-contact learning experience, masks and gloves must be worn
  • Practice good hygiene and use the hand sanitiser stations provided