

05 October 2017

High hops for novice brewers

PhD student and rookie brewer Nathan Danckert rallied together a group of postgraduate agriculture students to take on the ultimate challenge of brewing beer in the name of literature.

05 October 2017

7 ways to tackle obesity

Ahead of World Obesity Day, University of Sydney experts offer their advice on how to address the global obesity crisis now, to avoid the consequences later. 

05 October 2017

Australia slipping backwards on National Firearms Agreement

No Australian State or Territory has ever complied fully with the 1996 or 2002 firearms resolutions collectively formed under the National Firearms Agreement, a new report reveals today.

05 October 2017

'Squirtable' elastic glue seals wounds in 60 seconds

A highly elastic and adhesive surgical glue that quickly seals wounds without the need for common staples or sutures could transform how surgeries are performed.
04 October 2017

How we adapt to digital disruption

Netflix, AirBnb, Uber, Mp3s, WhatsApp, and Tripadvisor are all examples of digital disruption. Digital disruption changes and challenges established ways of doing business, social interacting and, even more fundamentally, how we think. 

04 October 2017

Researchers develop health app guide to protect customers

Researchers have designed a set of guidelines to help protect consumers and assist health app developers understand laws and regulations.

04 October 2017

New Executive Dean of Faculty of Medicine and Health

The University of Sydney has appointed Professor Robyn Ward AM FAHMS as the Executive Dean of the new Faculty of Medicine and Health after an extensive international search. 

04 October 2017

On my mind: Dr Anne Fawcett

Dr Anne Fawcett is a lecturer at the University of Sydney School of Veterinary Science. She is a strong advocate for the welfare of animals used for farming and science.

04 October 2017

Living the dream

When Jorja Chalmers was a student at the Conservatorium, her ambitions were modest - she just wanted to work in music. Today, she tours the world as Bryan Ferry's saxophonist of choice.

04 October 2017

Ain't it the post-truth

It's been said that a lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting its shoes on. Social media, politics and 'fake news' are currently demonstrating the reality of that idea, and its consequences.