Does an increase in blood lactate reduce whole body fat oxidation?

A research study about the effects of lactate on fuel utilisation. This study aims to examine the effect lactate may have on fat oxidation during exercise across a diverse range of populations.

You are invited to take part in a research study about the effects of lactate on fuel utilisation. This study aims to examine the effect lactate may have on fat oxidation during exercise across a diverse range of populations.

If you decide to take part in this study, you will be asked to attend two sessions at the Susan Wakil Health Building, University of Sydney, Camperdown. Each session should take a maximum of 90 minutes. You will be required to refrain from eating the morning of the test, and avoid any strenuous exercise, alcohol, and caffeine consumption in the 24 hours prior to both sessions.

Both sessions will be performed on a cycle ergometer while collecting the air you breath out via a mask. The first session will involve a maximal aerobic test on the cycle ergometer, providing you with your VO2 max. The second session will involve an incremental test from 35-85% VO2 max. This test will allow us to estimate your lactate thresholds, and fuel utilisation during exercise. Additionally, the amount of energy you use at rest (resting metabolic rate) will be measured on the second testing day.

Overall measures taken that you will receive include:
- Resting heart rate and blood pressure
- Resting blood lactate and glucose concentrations
- Body composition
- Resting metabolic rate
- Vo2 max
- Maximal power output
- Lactate thresholds
- Ventilatory thresholds
- Maximal fat oxidation and the exercise intensity this occurs at


We are seeking anyone between the ages of 18 and 55 years.
Due to the potential risk of completing maximal aerobic exercise tests, you are unable to participate if you:

  • Have hypertension, cardiovascular disease, respiratory (e.g., uncontrolled asthma) and/or metabolic (e.g., diabetes) disorders
  • Are taking any prescribed medications for hypertension, cholesterol, or insulin resistance
  • Have a current diagnosis of cancer
  • Have a clinically diagnosed thyroid conditions
  • Currently undergoing rehabilitation for a musculoskeletal or joint injury
  • Are pregnant 

How to participate

To register interest follow the below link to complete the consent form:

Alternatively, you can email Clorinda Hogan if you have any questions and require further details:


Ethics approval number: 2023/590