Representations of expected role of women during the COVID-19 lockdowns in Malaysia

The research intends to investigate the narrative of women's role expectations, and positions during the COVID-19 lockdown, government communication, and related policies.

By monitoring three pivotal moments issued by the women's ministry that ensued enormous backlash from netizens from 2020 - 2022. More importantly, to explore the broader social implications of this media coverage in accordance with how women felt, experience and cope with this phenomenon. 

This study aims to explore Malaysian women’s responses to the discourse regarding the role and expectations of women during the COVID-19 lockdown and Movement Control Order (MCO)in Malaysia. In particular, it is concerned with official government communication and related policies that included a series of advisories on how women should behave during the COVID-19 lockdown.

We aim to understand Malaysian women’s experiences, realities and practices in coping with gendered roles and expectations in Malaysia. Participants are welcome talk openly, and comfortably to share their perspectives and experiences. Taking part in this study is voluntary.

By participating this study you will contribute valuable information of gender roles and elevate women's voice and struggles. Participants should expect:

  •  An online focus group via Zoom

The online focus group may take approximately 90 minutes, with five participants and will be video and audio recorded. Participants are asked to choose a time that is convenient for them. To ensure participants' anonymity, pseudonyms will be given.


You may be eligible to participate in this study if you:

  • Woman aged 18-45 living in Malaysia during the MCO lockdown 

How to participate

If you are interested in assisting with this important and exciting area of research, please contact the study facilitator Gwen Ng via