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Faculty - or Academic-Panel - level appeal

Faculty reviews of show cause/exclusion decisions only). The University of Sydney Business School. ...
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Engineering and computer science

As an ENGO Peer mentor, you'll guide a small group of students during Welcome Week, and continue to support them throughout the first 8 weeks of semester
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Education and social work

You are eligible to apply to be a peer mentor if you are in at least the second year of your course in Education and Social Work.
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The Faculty of Science student mentoring program information including Science Link up and Mentoring (SLAM) and science student transition workshop.
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First year milestone integrity check

Business: Business School Higher Degree by Research Hub. ... Law: LAWS_HDR_Integrity.
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Insurance for work experience and placements

The Sydney Law School can provide a letter to the organisation where you are completing an unpaid internship or placement, to provide permission to participate and confirm your coverage under the ... For any queries contact
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Concurrent enrolment

If you are progressing into the fourth year of the Bachelor of Laws degree, you will need to submit a request through the course management form. ... You can only undertake core Law units, unless approval for other units has been granted by the Law
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Cross-institutional study

Students in the Sydney Law School should refer to the Law section below for application information. ... Check the Sydney Law School’s Faculty Resolutions for eligibility and more information.
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Arts and social sciences

FASS Mentoring Program training activities, mentor task force details, eligibility, registration and online training information.
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Eligibility requirements

Sydney Business School. Sydney Law School. Sydney Conservatorium of Music. Sydney School of Architecture Design and Planning.