Results that match 1 of 2 words

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Membership - Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

receive the NEAF Bulletin that is published once a year. get advanced notice of NEAF Archaeological tours and much more. ... email for the application form, or . proceed to the online payment option (Visa and Mastercard
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Centre for Distributed and High Performance Computing - Faculty of Engineering

Provide independent expert advice to various bodies, media and industries. Develop a critical mass of researchers to increase leverage of grants and industry funding, achieved by the combination of individually strong
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Centre for Medical Psychology and Evidence-Based Decision-Making - Faculty of Science

Funded by Cancer Institute NSW Translational Research Grant. Feasibility of a weight management program for women after cancer treatment. ... Principal investigator:Funded by Sydney Vital Pilot grant. Radiation therapy talking book – adaption for
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Join the Institute

have publications or grants relating to agriculture, or related, or an interest in participating in the research themes and/or cross-cutting areas. ... join the agriculture research community at the University of Sydney;. participate in research teams
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Pella Volunteer Scheme - Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

P  61 2 9114 0921. M Volunteer Coordinator,. Pella Volunteers. NEAF School of Humanities, A18. ... Address. Pella Volunteers, NEAF, School of Humanities, A18 University of Sydney, NSW 2006.
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Fighting Motor Neurone Disease on all fronts - Brain and Mind Centre

This was matched with $30,000 from MND Research Institute Australia to develop a competitive grant and a few months later, the grant was awarded to Irish-born Neurologist Dr Colin
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Centre for International Security Studies - Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

We are applying our expertise to global events, natural and human-made disasters and shocks to international security. Learn more.
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Our research - Faculty of Science

Vegetable crops are bred with funding from a range of sources including research contracts with industry, co-operative arrangements between PBI, industry and Australian government agencies and international competitive research grants.
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Quantum Meta-Ethics Project - Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

Quantum Meta-Ethics facilitates transdisciplinary research across the Indo-Pacific region to develop accords for the ethical use of quantum technologies.