Eye test machine

Electrophysiology and glaucoma

Uncovering the mechanisms behind glaucoma for early intervention
We are developing a new technique to detect pre-perimetric glaucoma. This is supported by research into neurological factors behind optic neuritis and multiple sclerosis (MS).

About us

We conduct research into new techniques for electrodiagnosis and imaging of the visual system. We collaborate with various institutes and organisations on research projects, including:

In addition, we are collaborating with Macquarie University on various studies using animal models of glaucoma and optic neuritis.

What are the issues?

Glaucoma are a group of eye diseases that cause the gradual loss of sight, characterised by damage to the optic nerve.

Our electrophysiological studies aim to discover interventions for the early detection of glaucoma, and the critical neurological mechanisms at play in different forms of glaucoma.

Research highlights

We're currently investigating the neurological mechanisms involved in optic neuritis and multiple sclerosis (MS), and working on more effective methods to detect early stages of glaucoma.

In collaboration with Visionsearch, we are working on the development of a new multifocal Visual Evoked Potential (mVEP) system to study the effect of anti-LINGO on remyelination in optic neuritis.

To date, we have set up fifteen new mVEP systems at various sites across Europe and Australia.

This project aims to detect glaucoma at an earlier stage by using blue-yellow stimuli to present the multifocal Visual Evoked Potential (mVEP).

To date, the mVEP technique has used a black and white stimulus to present visual field defects resulting from glaucoma. However, in subjective visual field tests (perimetry), blue/yellow testing has shown to be more effective at detecting early disease.

A 2009 study demonstrated the power of blue-on-yellow mVEP in detecting glaucoma where a person's subjective visual field was still normal (pre-perimetric glaucoma).

Our team is now conducting research to investigate the capability of blue-on-yellow mVEP in predicting glaucoma compared to other methods. Furthermore, we are examining the use of various structural and functional techniques in the detection of pre-perimetric glaucoma as part of a five-year longitudinal research project funded by the NHMRC.

This project studies electrophysiological and structural features of multiple sclerosis and neuromyelitis optica (NMO) optic neuritis.

In collaboration with the Brain and Mind Centre and the Department of Neurology at the Royal North Shore Hospital, we are studying the mechanisms of demyelination/remyelination and axonal loss in multiple sclerosis.

This project uses the visual system as a model to examine the effect of chronic demyelination on axonal neurodegeneration in multiple sclerosis.

We initiated this longitudinal study in 2012 to understand axonal loss and its cause in multiple sclerosis. In particular, this project investigates the potential role of trans-synaptic degeneration in multiple sclerosis.

Our project uses MRI, OCT and electrophysiology. Enrolled patients have undergone baseline scanning, with half tested twice.

This project has expanded internationally and received funding from the National MS Society, with preliminary results published in the prestigious journal Neurology.

Professor Alexander Klistorner

Alexander Klistorner

Save Sight Institute

  • South Block, Sydney Eye Hospital 8 Macquarie Street Sydney NSW 2000