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Bachelor of Advanced Studies (Honours)

Course resolutions

The course resolutions detailed in this page apply to all courses included in the table below under section 1 (course codes).

These resolutions must be read in conjunction with applicable University By-laws, Rules and policies including (but not limited to) the University of Sydney (Coursework) Rule 2014 (the 'Coursework Rule'), the Coursework Policy 2021 (the 'Coursework Policy'), the Learning and Teaching Policy 2019, the Resolutions of the Faculty, University of Sydney (Student Academic Appeals) Rule 2021, the Academic Integrity Policy 2022 and the Academic Integrity Procedures 2022. Current versions of all policies are available from the Policy Register:

1 Course codes

Code Course title
BHADVSTH-02 Bachelor of Advanced Studies (Honours)
BHADVMDC-03 Bachelor of Advanced Studies (Honours) (Media and Communications)
BHADVFGB-01 Bachelor of Advanced Studies (Honours) (Food and Agribusiness)

2 Attendance pattern

(1) Unless otherwise specified in the resolutions of the supervising faculty, the attendance pattern for this course is full time or part time according to candidate choice.

3 Streams

(1) The Bachelor of Advanced Studies (Honours) is available in the following streams:

(a) Agriculture

(b) Animal and Veterinary Bioscience

(c) Food and Agribusiness

(d) International and Global Studies

(e) Media and Communications

(f) Politics and International Relations

(g) Taronga Wildlife Conservation

(2) Completion of a stream is not a requirement of the Bachelor of Advanced Studies (Honours).

4 Cross-faculty management

(1) Candidates for the Bachelor of Advanced Studies (Honours) will be under the supervision of the faculty or University school offering and supervising the Honours study area in which the candidate is enrolled.

(2) The Dean of the supervising faculty or the Dean and Head of School of the supervising University school shall exercise authority in any matter concerned with Bachelor of Advanced Studies (Honours) not otherwise dealt with in these resolutions.

5 Admission to candidature

(1) Admission to the Bachelor of Advanced Studies (Honours) is by permission of the Associate Dean from the faculty or University school offering and supervising the honours study area on advice from the administering school. Admission requirements are as follows.

(2) For Bachelor of Advanced Studies (Honours) without a stream and for streams other than the Media and Communications stream

(a) Completing requirements for one of the following from the University of Sydney:

(i) Bachelor of Arts

(ii) Bachelor of Economics

(iii) Bachelor of Education (Secondary)

(iv) Bachelor of Visual Arts

(v) Bachelor of Science

(vi) Bachelor of Commerce

(vii) Bachelor of Applied Science (Exercise and Sports Science)

(viii) Bachelor of Design Computing

(ix) Bachelor of Design

(x) Bachelor of Music (Composition) or

(xi) Bachelor of Music (Performance)

(b) Including within those completed requirements:

(i) a major or study of equivalent depth in the proposed honours study area; and

(ii) a second major.

(c) Achieving a minimum Weighted Average Mark of at least 65 calculated from at least 48 credit points of undergraduate study as specified by the faculty administering the proposed honours study area; and

(d) Meeting any additional requirements for honours entry, as specified by the relevant faculty or University school administering the proposed Honours study area.

(3) For the Bachelor of Advanced Studies (Honours) with a stream in Media and Communications:

(a) Completing of the requirements for a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Sydney, including a program in Media and Communications as specified in Table A for the degree; or

(b) Completing 144 credit points towards a Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Laws at the University of Sydney from which the candidate has not yet graduated, including:

(i) a completed program in Media and Communications as specified in Table A for the degree; and

(ii) 48 credit points of Combined Law compulsory units of study for Years 1, 2 and 3 of the combined Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Laws degree; and

(iii) 6 credit points from the Open Learning Environment as specified in Table O or 12 credit points of Dalyell stream units of study as specified in Table D; and

(iv) achieving a minimum Weighted Average Mark of at least 65 or equivalent or a higher mark as specified by the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences; and

(v) meeting any additional requirements for honours entry, as specified by the discipline of Media and Communications.

(4) English language requirements as specified in the Coursework Policy must be met where these are not demonstrated by sufficient qualifications taught in English.

6 Requirements for award

(1) Bachelor of Advanced Studies (Honours) without a stream

(a) A candidate must complete 48 credit points comprising:

(i) a minimum of 30 credit points of Honours units at 4000-level or above in a single Honours subject area as set out in Table A for the Bachelor relevant to that Honours subject area; and

(ii) elective units from 4000-level Elective Collection from Table S of the Shared Pool for Undergraduate Degrees.

(2) Bachelor of Advanced Studies (Honours) with a stream

(a) A candidate must complete 48 credit points comprising:

(i) a minimum of 30 credit points of Honours units at 4000-level or above from Table A for that stream in its faculty handbooks; and

(ii) any additional units to complete the requirements of the stream as set out in Table A for that stream; and

(iii) elective units from 4000-level Elective Collection from Table S of the Shared Pool for Undergraduate Degrees.

7 Honours subject areas

(1) Honours subject areas available in the Bachelor of Advanced Studies (Honours) are:

(a) From the handbook of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

(i) American Studies

(ii) Ancient Greek

(iii) Ancient History

(iv) Anthropology

(v) Arabic Language and Cultures

(vi) Archaeology

(vii) Art History

(viii) Asian Studies

(ix) Chinese Studies

(x) Classics

(xi) Criminology

(xii) Cultural Studies

(xiii) Digital Cultures

(xiv) Econometrics

(xv) Economics

(xvi) Education Studies

(xvii) English

(xviii) European Studies

(xix) Film Studies

(xx) French and Francophone Studies

(xxi) Gender Studies

(xxii) Germanic Studies

(xxiii) Government and International Relations (only available in the Politics and International Relations stream)

(xxiv) Hebrew (modern)

(xxv) History

(xxvi) Indonesian Studies

(xxvii) International and Comparative Literary Studies

(xxviii) International and Global Studies (only available in the International and Global Studies stream)

(xxix) Italian Studies

(xxx) Japanese Studies

(xxxi) Jewish Civilisation, Thought and Culture

(xxxii) Korean Studies

(xxxiii) Latin

(xxxiv) Linguistics

(xxxv) Modern Greek Studies

(xxxvi) Philosophy

(xxxvii) Political Economy

(xxxviii) Socio-legal Studies

(xxxix) Sociology

(xl) Spanish and Latin American Studies

(xli) Studies in Religion

(xlii) Theatre and Performance Studies

(xliii) Visual Arts (only available to students who completed a Bachelor of Visual Arts)

(b) From the handbook of the Faculty of Medicine and Health

(i) Exercise and Sport Science

(c) From the handbook of the Faculty of Science

(i) Agriculture (only available in Agriculture stream)

(ii) Anatomy and Histology

(iii) Animal and Veterinary Bioscience (only available in the Animal and Veterinary Bioscience stream)

(iv) Animal Health, Disease and Welfare

(v) Animal Production

(vi) Applied Medical Science

(vii) Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

(viii) Biology

(ix) Cell and Developmental Biology

(x) Chemistry

(xi) Computer Science

(xii) Data Science

(xiii) Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

(xiv) Environmental Science

(xv) Environmental Studies

(xvi) Financial Mathematics and Statistics

(xvii) Food and Agribusiness (only available in the Food and Agribusiness stream)

(xviii) Food Science

(xix) Genetics and Genomics

(xx) Geography

(xxi) Geology and Geophysics

(xxii) Health

(xxiii) History and Philosophy of Science

(xxiv) Human Movement

(xxv) Immunology

(xxvi) Infectious Diseases

(xxvii) Information Systems

(xxviii) Marine Science

(xxix) Mathematics (Applied)

(xxx) Mathematics (Pure)

(xxxi) Medicinal Chemistry

(xxxii) Microbiology

(xxxiii) Nanoscience and Nanotechnology

(xxxiv) Neuroscience

(xxxv) Pathology

(xxxvi) Pharmacology

(xxxvii) Physics

(xxxviii) Physiology

(xxxix) Plant Production

(xl) Psychology

(xli) Quantitative Life Sciences

(xlii) Software Development

(xliii) Soil Science and Hydrology

(xliv) Statistics

(xlv) Taronga Wildlife Conservation (only available in the Taronga Wildlife Conservation stream)

(d) From the handbook of the School of Architecture, Design and Planning

(i) Design

(e) From the handbook of the Sydney Conservatorium of Music

(i) Music Composition

(ii) Music Performance

(iii) Music

(f) From the handbook of the University of Sydney Business School

(i) Accounting

(ii) Business Analytics

(iii) Business Information Systems

(iv) Business Law

(v) Finance

(vi) International Business

(vii) Marketing

(viii) Work and Organisational Studies

8 Award of the Bachelor of Advanced Studies (Honours)

(1) The Bachelor of Advanced Studies (Honours) is awarded in classes ranging from First Class to Third Class as specified in the Coursework Policy and the resolutions of the faculty administering the Honours study area.

(2) The Bachelor of Advanced Studies (Honours) grade will be determined by an honours mark calculated from work in the honours study area, as specified in the Coursework Policy and the resolutions of the faculty administering the Honours study area.

9 Cross-institutional study

(1) Cross-institutional study is not available in the Bachelor of Advanced Studies (Honours).

10 Transitional provisions

(1) These resolutions apply to students who commenced their candidature after 1 January 2024.