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Bachelor of Science and Doctor of Medicine

Learning outcomes

Bachelor of Science

On successful completion of the program students will be able to:

No. Course learning outcome Graduate quality Graduate quality Graduate quality Graduate quality
1 Demonstrate a coherent understanding by articulating the methods of science and explaining why current knowledge is both contestable and testable by further inquiry. Depth of disciplinary expertise| Critical thinking and Problem solving    
2 Explain the role and relevance of science to society across a range of cultural settings. Depth of disciplinary expertise Critical thinking and Problem solving Cultural competence  
3 Exhibit depth and breadth of knowledge by demonstrating well-developed knowledge in at least one disciplinary area. Depth of disciplinary expertise Critical thinking and Problem solving    
4 Demonstrate knowledge in at least one other disciplinary area. Depth of disciplinary expertise Critical thinking and Problem solving    
5 Critically analyse and solve problems by gathering, synthesising and critically evaluating information from a range of sources. Critical thinking and Problem solving Information and Digital literacy    
6 Design and plan an investigation. Critical thinking and Problem solving Information and Digital literacy Inventiveness  
7 Select and apply practical, conceptual and/or theoretical techniques or tools in order to formulate and model problems or conduct an investigation. Critical thinking and Problem solving Information and Digital literacy Inventiveness  
8 Collect, accurately record, interpret and draw conclusions from data. Critical thinking and Problem solving Information and Digital literacy    
9 Be effective communicators of reasoning, results, information, or arguments, to a range of audiences, for a range of purpose, and using a variety of modes. Critical thinking and Problem solving Communication (oral and written) Inventiveness Influence
10 Be accountable for their own learning and scientific work by being independent and self-directed learners. Integrated professional, ethical and personal identity      
11 Work effectively, responsibly and safely in an individual or team context. Communication (oral and written) Cultural competence Interdisciplinary effectiveness Integrated professional, ethical and personal identity
12 Demonstrate knowledge of the regulatory frameworks relevant to their disciplinary area and personally practise ethical conduct. Depth of disciplinary expertise Cultural competence Integrated professional, ethical and personal identity  

Doctor of Medicine

There are four main themes which run throughout the program:

Basic and Clinical Sciences Provides the scientific foundation for your medical studies. You will cover medical sciences of physiology, anatomy and histology, pharmacology and pathology, both in lectures and in practical laboratory sessions.
Patient and Doctor You will be taught clinical skills and diagnostic methods, clinical reasoning and clinical communication. This theme is taught in the clinical schools.
Population Medicine Introduces you to subjects such as public health, evidence-based medicine, statistics, and health economics. This theme is taught in interactive tutorial sessions.
Personal and Professional Development The formal professional development teaching includes the legislative and ethical frameworks in which health care is practiced, patient safety theory and practice, bioethics and an understanding of the special issues around doctors’ own healt

For more information on the Doctor of Medicine (MD) Program please visit the Medicine and Health Postgraduate Handbook