

01 February 2016

Mathematics to become a prerequisite for University of Sydney admission

The University of Sydney will lead the charge to address the national crisis in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) by introducing mathematic prerequisites for a number of its courses from 2019.

01 February 2016

Weed research focus for GRDC, University joint new role

The Grains Research and Development Corporation and the University of Sydney have created a joint role to find solutions to controlling weeds resistant to once highly effective herbicides including the world's most commonly used herbicide, glyphosate. It has been estimated that in Australia alone, farmers lose more than $3 billion annually because of weeds.

01 February 2016

Professor Katherine Belov to lead global engagement strategy

Professor Katherine Belov appointed to the new role of Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Global Engagement).

01 February 2016

Medication use in older men linked to risk of death and frailty

Medication use among men aged 70 years and older is linked to a heightened risk of death and frailty, new research reveals.