Your Search Results

The nature and treatment of obsessive compulsive disorder

The research investigates the nature and treatment of obsessive compulsive disorder more...

Supervisor(s): Jones, Mairwen (Dr)

Preventing rejection of transplanted organs without using immunosuppressive drugs

The project aims to identify molecular pathways to prevent rejection of transplanted organs in animal models and to apply these findings to clinical transplantation. more...

Supervisor(s): Bishop, Alex (Dr)

Developmental Disability and Literacy Project (DDLP)

We are seeking research students (Honours, Masters and PhD) to be part of the DDLP. more...

Supervisor(s): Arciuli, Joanne (Associate Professor)

Telehealth delivery of therapy services

The aim of my research in this area is to improve access to allied health treatment services for clients in rural or remote locations. This research will develop and test the effica more...

Supervisor(s): Lincoln, Michelle (Professor), Bundy, Anita (Professor)

Work, workplaces and people who stutter

Little is known about the choices people who stutter make about work and careers and how their stuttering influences their experiences of work. This research aims to explore the wor more...

Supervisor(s): Lincoln, Michelle (Professor), Cumming, Steven (Associate Professor), Bricker-Katz, Geraldine (Dr)

Improving treatments in childhood apraxia of speech

My research comes from my clinical experiences and a drive to do better, more effective speech pathology. more...

Supervisor(s): McCabe, Tricia (Professor), Ballard, Kirrie (Professor), Purcell, Alison (Dr)

Randomized controlled trial of epiretinal membrane surgery

Randomized controlled trial of epiretinal membrane surgery more...

Supervisor(s): Simunovic, Matthew (Associate Professor)

Corneal bioengineering

Two research projects existing under this big area :1. To develop in situ bioprinting to treat corneal diseases; and 2. develop potential electromechanical methods to treat eye dise more...

Supervisor(s): You, Jingjing (Dr), Sutton, Gerard (Professor)

Gene and Cell therapy for treating corneal diseases

Two research projects existing under this board area :1. Develop in vivo gene editing technique to treat corneal diseases; and 2. Sequencing and mapping gene and protein interaction more...

Supervisor(s): You, Jingjing (Dr), Sutton, Gerard (Professor)

Natural History study of inherited retinal dystrophies

Opportunities exist for PhD and MPhil students to undertake projects in understanding inherited eye diseases. In particular developing outcome measures by combining structural and f more...

Supervisor(s): Grigg, John (Professor)