Current students_

Transition to Sydney

Make sure you plan your arrival, including knowing how to get from the airport to your accommodation, as well as set yourself up with essentials like a SIM card for your

Linguistics without borders

The group paid the community for accommodation, catering and lessons given by school children.
Current students_


Architecture Design Modelling and Fabrication (DMAF) consumables. laundry services in Queen Mary, Abercrombie and Regiment student accommodation.

Why single, older women without children face economic insecurity

1 December 2020 -
Co-author of the report, Professor Helen Hodgson from Curtin University, said, “The biggest worry for older single women without children is secure accommodation.

How to make friends at university

24 November 2023 -
5. Live locally. Your accommodation options near uni are vast. Living with other students away from home puts you in the close proximity of a whole lot of new people.

Boosted support for Aboriginal students in critical first year

9 January 2020 -
From 2017, commencing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander undergraduate students will be offered guaranteed and subsidised accommodation and a structured peer mentoring program. ... The University will also subsidise the cost of the rent, to be paid

Exhibition of student works explores social impact of architecture

4 May 2023 -
The result of a collaboration between the School, Adjacency Studio, and Hobart Women’s Shelter , Tapestry features students’ efforts to design affordable long-term accommodation for women and children at risk

Postgraduate Writing Retreat - Sydney Southeast Asia Centre

Monday April 08, 2024
Please do not make flight and accommodation bookings unless and until you have been advised that your application is successful. ... The grant can be used for travel, accommodation and any other costs associated with participation.

Other costs

For more information visit,Relevant for: all students. Don't forget to budget for the costs of living, which includes things like accommodation, food and lifestyle expenses.