
Anstice MBA Scholarship for Community Leadership

A postgraduate coursework scholarship
Tuition fee scholarship to support emerging business leaders to study a Master of Business Administration (MBA).


Value Eligibility Open date Close date
Tuition fees
  • Domestic student eligible to study the MBA
28 July 2025 8 September 2025

How to apply

Register your interest here to receive further instructions.


This scholarship will cover tuition fees for up to three years for a part-time student.

Who's eligible

You must:

  • be an Australian citizen or permanent resident, or a New Zealand citizen
  • be eligible to study the Master of Business Administration (MBA) within the University of Sydney


  • You don't need to have applied for the MBA prior to applying for this scholarship, however, only students with an offer to the MBA can be awarded
  • Preference will be given to applicants working in the not-for-profit sector, especially charities
  • Students currently enrolled in the University of Sydney MBA and employees of the University of Sydney are not eligible to apply for this scholarship.


Established from a generous donation from prominent alumnus David Anstice, the Scholarship offers support to emerging business leaders from the social enterprise, not-for-profit sector, including charities and NGOs operating in Australia, or internationally.

1. Background

a. Established from a generous donation from prominent alumnus David Anstice, the Scholarship offers support to emerging business leaders from the social enterprise, not-for-profit sector, including charities and NGOs operating in Australia, or internationally.

b. The Scholarship is dedicated to the MBA program. The intention of this Scholarship is to assist emerging leaders in community organisations acquire world class business and management skills.

2. Eligibility

a. Applicants must be an Australian citizen, an Australian Permanent Resident, or a New Zealand Citizen.

b. Applicants must be eligible for admission into the Master of Business Administration (MBA) within the Business School at the University of Sydney.

c. Students currently enrolled in the University of Sydney MBA and employees of the University of Sydney are not eligible to apply for this scholarship.

3. Selection Criteria

a. The Scholarship will be awarded on the basis of:

i. eligibility for the MBA Program,
ii. experience working in a multi-disciplinary team,
iii. collaboration with for-profit and/or government organisations and an ability to network,
iv. their development of an initiative which has been adopted by their organisation and has proven sustainable,
v. leadership, having coordinated a team in a project or business strategy to a successful outcome, and
vi. personal achievements which have been recognised in the community.

b. Shortlisted applicants will be invited to attend a discussion forum hosted by the University of Sydney Business School. Attendees will be invited to then submit a short assessment piece on a topic provided at the discussion forum.

c. Upon reviewing the assessments, applicants will be shortlisted and are required to attend an interview with the Scholarship Selection Committee.

d. The Scholarship will be awarded on the nomination of a Selection Committee consisting of the Program Director of the MBA, or their nominated delegate, a professional staff member from the MBA Program, or their nominated delegate, and an alumnus of the MBA Program.

4. Value

a. The Scholarship will cover the recipient’s tuition fees for a maximum duration of four years for a student enrolled part-time.

b. The Scholarship value will be provided as an offset to the student’s tuition fee following the census date of each session.

c. In addition to the above payment, successful recipients will also receive an additional financial support to assist with travel costs associated with the International Business Project (IBP) unit of study. This payment will be made after the census date of the semester in which the recipient is enrolled in the IBP unit of study.

d. No other amount is payable. Recipients are responsible for the payment of the Student Services Amenities Fee (SSAF).

e. The Scholarship must be taken up in the semester in which it is offered.

f. Deferral of the Scholarship is not permitted without the prior permission of the Program Director of the MBA and it is not transferable to another University school, faculty or university.

g. The Scholarship will be offered subject to the availability of funds.

5. Ongoing eligibility

a. To continue receipt of the Scholarship, the recipient must maintain a minimum Semester Average Mark (SAM) of 65 and remain enrolled part-time.

b. The recipient must maintain a minimum enrolment load of 18 credit points of study per year, with a continuous enrolment each semester.

c. Suspension of the Scholarship is only permitted under exceptional circumstances at the discretion of the relevant Associate Dean in the University of Sydney Business School, or their nominee.

6. Termination

a. The Scholarship will be terminated if the recipient:

I. withdraws from an eligible course or fails to enrol,
II. fails to enrol in a minimum of 18 credit points of study each year,
III. does not maintain satisfactory academic performance,
IV. is determined by the University to be guilty of serious misconduct, including, but not limited to, having provided false or misleading information as part of their Scholarship application,
V. is awarded an alternative scholarship administered by the University of Sydney for the same purpose as this scholarship.
VI. does not resume study at the end of a period of approved leave, or
VII. any other provision as indicated in these terms that would lead to termination.

b. Once terminated, the Scholarship will not be reinstated unless due to University error.

c. Where a student is found guilty of serious misconduct or withdraws from the relevant course, the University reserves the right to request that any Scholarship funds paid to the Scholarship recipient be reimbursed.

7. Other

a. Recipients will be invited to represent the University of Sydney Business School at University and corporate networking events.

b. The scholarship holder will be invited to promote the MBA program in which they are enrolled by contributing blog submissions and representing the Business School at relevant MBA events.