University of Sydney policies
We have a transparent and open approach to policy
As a public institution, we have a rigorous and robust policy framework under the jurisdiction of the Policy Management Unit in the Office of the General Counsel.
Our framework consists of four types of documents:
It is important that we uphold our cherished values around free speech and academic freedom while also welcoming and supporting every member of our community on our campuses and online. The ways in which we communicate with each other are central to this objective and we continue to review and update our policies accordingly.
Last year we sought your feedback on the Campus Access Policy and received a range of views, many critical and some supportive. We are now considering this feedback as we redraft this policy.
We are also now inviting feedback on revisions to five other key policies:
Some of the recommendations from the Hodgkinson External Review report (specifically recommendations 3, and parts of 4 and 15) have been included in these draft revisions to policies. The recommendation to introduce a new 'civility rule' is still under consideration, however, and will be open to consultation later.
If you want to make a submission on the proposed policy revisions, you will need to do so by 13 February 2025 through the relevant feedback forms below.
All submissions will be carefully considered as part of the consultation process. You have the option to submit your feedback anonymously.
If you have any further questions or need more information, please contact
Our Policy Register is the authoritative source for University policy documents and can be searched by students, staff and the general public. The Policy Register contains documents on topics such as health and safety, community relations, infrastructure and procurement.
The Policy Register does not contain course resolutions, faculty resolutions and other documents relating to the academic governance of individual faculties or University schools and their courses. To find them, please go to the handbooks website.
Policy documents which are publicly displayed on the Policy Register are the definitive and current versions, regardless of different versions which may exist elsewhere.
Documents which were superseded after the register began in 2012 are stored in the Policy Register record base.
Copies of documents superseded before the implementation of the register may be available, but this cannot be guaranteed. Email to enquire about availability and access to superseded documents.
The register provides several options for users to locate documents, including:
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Use the "Search by" drop-down menu to select the criterion you want to search by. Criteria include:
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Alphabetical | Select "All" or a letter from the alphabet. Choose the option from the drop-down menu which will appear in the search text box. Hitting search will then display an alphabetical listing of policies with titles beginning with the letter you have selected. Please note that the "All" search may take a little longer to complete. |
New | Time based. Requires you to select your search from a drop-down list which will appear in the search text box. |
Updated | Time based. Requires you to select your search from a drop-down list which will appear in the search text box. |
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Keyword | Requires you to select one of the pre-determined keywords from the drop-down menu which will appear in the search text box. |
Each document in the register has several keywords attached to it. Keywords help to identify the documents’ principal themes and effects. They can be useful as sometimes a commonly used term will not appear within a document but by tagging the document to that work it makes the document easier to find.
You can search using keywords in two ways:
This kind of search, known as a “content” search, is not currently available but is in development.
The "Filter search by" drop-down menu allows you to select the type of document you are looking for, including:
Depending on the search criterion you choose to search by you may also be presented with a second filter/drop-down menu to help you refine your search. You can only select one value for each filter, but you can use more than one filter at once.
Documents are displayed in lists, with each document represented by way of an icon and a title.
Hovering your cursor over the icon will display a pop-up box which gives the following details:
Hovering your cursor over the document title will display a pop-up box which gives a brief summary of the document’s effect.
Clicking on either the document's icon or title will display a PDF copy of the document in a pop-up window.
The version published on the Policy Register website is always the definitive one. Only the latest version of a policy document is published and the Policies Development and Review (Rule) 2011 provides that the Register’s published version is authoritative.
Registered policy documents must not be reproduced on any other website and you should only rely on the version found in the Register.
Some listed documents have an attached related documents tag. Generally, they will be different types of documents which address the same subject matter (eg, the Gift Acceptance Policy and Gift Acceptance Procedures will each display the other as a related document).
Sometimes a link will be included to an external document, for example a national code of practice, or there will be a link to another related resource.
Some related documents are displayed using an icon of a magnifying glass rather than a PDF icon. These documents are not registered policy documents but are linked to registered documents to provide background, explanation or access to related-tools.
As a major publicly-funded education and research institution, we maintain important relationships with governments at all levels.
The federal government has a comprehensive policy framework for education and research that provides the context for our core education and research activities. We also engage with the NSW government across a wide range of issues, as well as with local governments in the communities we serve.
Activities relating to higher education policy are led by staff based in the Vice-Chancellor's Office.
We regularly provide input to government and parliamentary policy processes that affect the University’s operations. Our submissions for the last 5 years are made publicly available here in the interests of transparency.
Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights - 20 December 2024
On 20 December 2024, the University made a submission to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights’ inquiry into Antisemitism at Australian universities. The submission overviewed the suite of measures the University is undertaking to combat antisemitism and other forms of racism.
View the University’s submission (pdf, 164KB)
Draft National Nursing Workforce Strategy – 25 October 2024
On 11 September, the Australian Government - through the Department of Health and Aged Care - released a draft copy of Australia’s first National Nursing Workforce Strategy; seeking feedback from people and organisations with an interest in the nursing workforce.
On 25 October, the University’s Faculty of Medicine and Health made a submission to the Department’s consultation, welcoming the draft strategy and national approach. The submission notes the need for a more ambitious vision for the future of nursing and a focus on transforming the profession to allow nurses to work to their full potential.
The submission suggests the draft Strategy's proposed architecture be revised to a thematic structure to better address key issues, and emphasises the importance of expanding domestic student enrolments, investing in clinical placements, and refraining from relying solely on international recruitment to address nursing shortages.
The Faculty also advocates for greater focus on nursing leadership, education reform, and research, highlighting the need for more specific action items to address the challenges of workforce planning and retention.
View the Faculty’s submission (pdf, 291KB)
Mandatory guardrails for AI in high-risk settings – 4 October 2024
On 5 September, the Australian Government - through the Department of Industry, Science and Resources - released a proposals paper for introducing mandatory guardrails for AI in high-risk settings.
On 4 October, the University - through the Office of General Counsel - made a submission to the Department’s consultation, which:
View the University’s submission (pdf, 182KB)
Universities Accord (Student Support and Other Measures) Bill 2024 – 5 September 2024
On 5 September, the University made a submission to the Senate Education and Employment Legislation Committee’s inquiry into the Universities Accord (Student Support and Other Measures) Bill 2024, which seeks to give effect to four policy commitments the Government announced in its May response to the Universities Accord. The Bill contains measures to:
The University’s submission stressed that while the proposed changes to HELP indexation would provide modest relief for students and graduates, they would not address the underlying cause of the growing debt burden facing many students. Our submission raised no objections to the proposals relating to the allocation of SSAF revenues and the establishment of FEE-FREE Uni Ready Courses. However, it queried whether universities are the best entities to administer the new Commonwealth Prac Payment and recommended that international students should also be eligible for the payments under certain circumstances.
View the University’s submission (pdf, 210KB)
Commission of Inquiry into Antisemitism at Australian Universities Bill 2024 (No. 2) - 23 August 2024
On 23 August 2024, the University made a submission to the Senate Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs’ inquiry into the provisions of the Private Member’s Commission of Inquiry into Antisemitism at Australian Universities Bill 2024 (No. 2).
If passed by the Parliament as proposed, the Bill would allow for the establishment of a commission of inquiry into antisemitism at Australian universities. The Commission would be presided over by a judge and would have similar powers to a Royal Commission.
The University’s submission stressed that the establishment of the proposed Commission is a matter for the Parliament and confirmed that the University would cooperate fully with any inquiry that may be established.
The submission raised issues for consideration by the Committee in relation to the Bill. It also outlined the University’s approach to combatting racism and managing protests, and the steps it is taking to identify areas where it can improve its relevant policies, systems and processes.
View the University’s submission (pdf, 150KB)
New Managed Growth Funding Implementation - 9 August 2024
On 9 August 2024, the University made a comprehensive submission on the Commonwealth Department of Education’s proposals for a new Managed Growth Funding system for Australia’s tertiary education system set out in an implementation consultation paper released 21 June.
Our submission offered strong support for the Government’s ambition to significantly increase and widen tertiary education and success, and for the development of a sustainable funding system capable of seeing Australia meet its long-term future skills needs.
However, in a technical submission we also argued that to achieve these outcomes any new funding model will need to maximise student agency and provider autonomy to operate within a clear, stable and flexible framework, which recognises the practical realities of the application, offer and acceptance process for students enrolling with Commonwealth-supported places.
In line with our submission on the Department’s new Needs-based Funding system (see below) we argued that the proposed Australian Tertiary Education Commission (ATEC) should lead the detailed design and consultation on the Managed Growth Funding reforms.
View the University’s submission (pdf, 278KB)
Needs-based Funding Implementation – 9 August 2024
On 9 August 2024, the University made a detailed submission in response to the Commonwealth Department of Education’s proposals for a Needs-based Funding system, as recommended by the Australian Universities’ Accord in February.
The University’s submission was made in response to an implementation consultation paper released on 12 July.
Our submission offered strong support for the policy intent of increasing tertiary education attainment, particularly for under-represented cohorts: Low Socioeconomic Status; people with disability, First People and those from rural, regional and remote areas.
However, alongside detailed recommendations addressing specific issues raised in the Department’s paper, we argued that the proposed Australian Tertiary Education Commission (ATEC) should - as recommended by the Australian Universities Accord - lead the design of a Needs-based Funding system.
View the University’s submission (pdf, 326KB)
Review of the Foreign Arrangements Scheme – 2 August 2024
On 21 June 2024, the Minister for Foreign Affairs and the Assistant Minister for Foreign Affairs announced an independent legislative review of the Australia’s Foreign Relations (State and Territory Arrangements) Act 2020, which underpins the Foreign Arrangements Scheme.
On 2 August, the University - led by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) and the Vice-President (External Engagement) - made a submission in response to a DFAT consultation paper on the review of the Foreign Arrangements Scheme.
Public universities, their staff and students engaged in international collaborations make important contributions to Australia’s foreign policy objectives by fostering trust and enduring links between people and institutions for mutual benefit. In this context, the University welcomed the opportunity to collaborate with the independent review of the Scheme to identify ways to strengthen the effectiveness and efficiency of this regulatory regime.
View the University’s submission (pdf, 327KB)
Australian Tertiary Education Commission Implementation Consultation Paper – 26 July 2024
On 21 June 2024, the Federal Minister for Education, the Hon Jason Clare, released two consultation papers on implementing significant structural reforms to the tertiary education sector recommended by the Australian Universities Accord in February 2024.
The first of these papers concerned the establishment of the Australian Tertiary Education Commission (ATEC) as an independent steward of the tertiary education sector.
The second consultation paper outlined the Department of Education’s proposed approach for implementing the Managed Growth Funding System also recommended by the Accord.
Through six recommendations and supporting analysis the University’s submission suggests changes to the Department’s proposed model for the ATEC that would:
·ensure its independence
·strengthen its expertise
·clarify its purpose, functions and priorities
·create a place for an ongoing Accord discussion
·achieve greater integration between the vocational and higher education sectors and
·ensure that the principle of university autonomy continues to be respected under the Government’s proposed new regulatory and funding framework.
Read the Department of Education’s ATEC Implementation Consultation Paper here.
Read the University’s full submission in response here (pdf, 451.9KB)
Draft Parramatta 2050 – 9 July 2024
On 20 May 2024, the public exhibition of draft Parramatta 2050 was opened by the City of Paramatta Council. Draft Parramatta 2050 is the City of Parramatta’s long-term strategic vision which leverages the city’s key assets and outlines the big opportunities for Parramatta now and into the future.
On 9 July, the University - led by the Vice-President External Engagement - made a submission, noting that the Parramatta 2050 strategic directions – gather, create and accelerate – will serve the community well and align with the University’s ambitions to expand our presence and impact in the Western Sydney region. Embracing and celebrating different cultures, nurturing creative talent, and delivering world-class education and research are priorities we share with the City of Paramatta Council.
View the University’s submission (pdf, 91.5KB)
Commonwealth Government renewal of the Australian Animal Welfare Strategy – 5 July 2024
On 8 March 2024, the Australian Government - through the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry - opened their first round of consultations on the renewal of the Australian Animal Welfare Strategy (AAWS).
On 5 July, the University - led by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) - made a submission to the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry. As an institution with a strong commitment to animal welfare and ethical research and teaching involving animals, the University supports the overall intent of the strategy. We do, however, articulate a number of suggestions regarding the proposed approach, vision and work streams; and the challenges and opportunities for a renewed strategy.
View the University’s submission (pdf, 146KB)
Inquiry into the Education Services for Overseas Students Amendment (Quality and Integrity) Bill 2024 [Provisions] – 1 July 2024
On 1 July 2024, the University made a submission to the Senate Education and Employment Legislation Committee’s inquiry into the Education Services for Overseas Students Amendment (Quality and Integrity) Bill 2024. While the University supported the measures to improve quality and integrity in the higher education system (Parts 1-6 of the Bill), the submission raised significant concerns about Parts 7 and 8 of the Bill, which deal with the Government’s proposed framework for capping international student enrolments, including:
The University recommended the Bill is passed with Parts 7 and 8 struck out, but also proposes a series of amendments if the Parliament is inclined to pass those provisions.
View the University’s submission (pdf, 3.4MB)
National Higher Education Code to Prevent and Respond to Gender-based Violence Issues Paper – 28 June 2024
On 29 May 2024, the Commonwealth Department of Education released an Issues Paper to guide consultation on the National Higher Education Code to Prevent and Respond to Gender-based Violence.
On 28 June, the University - led by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Education) - made a submission; responding to the ten consultation questions in the Issues Paper. While the University supports the principles and aspirations that underpin the proposed National Higher Education Code to Prevent and Respond to Gender-based Violence, we raised some concerns about needing sufficient flexibility in the use of defined terms and in reporting requirements. The University also made a number of suggestions for the Department to consider in regard to regulating the Code, and what additional resources and materials could help providers to support implementation and ongoing compliance.
View the University’s submission (pdf, 1.4MB)
Great Barrier Reef Southern Plan of Management – 19 June 2024
In late November 2023, the Commonwealth Government Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, the Reef Authority, and the Traditional Owner groups of the southern Great Barrier Reef, released a Southern Plan of Management for public consultation. The Plan will align with the Reef 2050 Long-Term Sustainability Plan 2021-25, which is Australia’s over-arching strategy for managing threats to the Reef, including climate change, poor water quality, coastal development and direct human use.
The University made a submission, through the School of Life and Environmental Sciences within the Faculty of Science. The University has a particular interest in this region as the operator of the One Tree Island Research Station, located in the Capricorn Bunker Group. One Tree Island Research Station is operated by the Faculty of Science and is internationally recognised as a premier destination for cutting edge coral reef research and immersive student learning experience.
View the University’s submission (pdf, 161KB)
Draft International Education and Skills Strategic Framework – 14 June 2024
On 14 June 2024, the University made a submission to Department of Education’s consultation on the Draft International Education and Skills Strategic Framework. While the University supports measures to improve quality and integrity in the higher education system, the submission argued against arbitrary enrolment caps for individual institutions and courses that may disrupt operations for 2025. The University suggested delaying the commencement of the framework until 2026 to ensure proper consultation with each institution on ‘managed growth’.
View the University’s submission (pdf, 441KB)
Inquiry into civics education, engagement and participation in Australia – 24 May 2024
On 24 May 2024, the University made a submission to the Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters’ inquiry into civics education, engagement and participation in Australia. The submission recognised the importance of strong civics and citizenship education and recommended the development of a nationally coordinated approach to its inclusion in the Australian curriculum as well as dedicated programs and funding for civics education, such as our proposed Democracy Academy, which would support Australian teachers to establish or update their civics and citizenship knowledge.
View the University’s submission (pdf, 534KB)
Select Committee on Adopting Artificial Intelligence – 17 May 2024
On 17 May 2024, the University made a submission to the Select Committee on Adopting Artificial Intelligence’s inquiry into the opportunities and impacts for Australia arising out of the uptake of AI technologies. The submission primarily focused on AI issues in education and highlighted a number of initiatives the University is undertaking to proactively consider and respond to AI technologies.
View the University’s submission (pdf, 403KB)
Independent Review of Strategic Policy – 15 April 2024
On 15 April, the University made a submission to the Independent Review of Strategic Policy Work undertaken by the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, led by Mr Peter Varghese AO. The submission highlighted that university research capabilities represent a rich resource for government agencies to support national security strategy and policy development, implementation and decision-making. Furthermore, that the Government should make better use of university capabilities to provide timely and high-quality strategic national security policy services.
View the University's submission (pdf, 418KB)
NSW Innovation Blueprint consultation – 2 April 2024
On 26 February 2024, the NSW Government – through Investment NSW – opened consultations on the development of its Innovation Blueprint, aimed at giving NSW the leading edge in the global battle to attract new investment, ideas, industries and talent. Investment NSW was seeking submissions from stakeholders in the innovation ecosystem in four areas of focus: Ideas, Investment, Industrialisation and Internationalism.
On 2 April, the University - led by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) - provided comprehensive responses to the 20 consultation questions comprising the online survey.
View the University’s submission (pdf, 266KB)
Commonwealth Government’s Doxxing and Privacy Reforms – 28 March 2024
On 11 March 2024, the Commonwealth Government – through the Attorney-General’s Department – opened public consultations on Doxxing and Privacy Reforms, seeking views on how to most appropriately address doxxing through civil remedies.
On 28 March, the University made a short submission, expressing our support for the Government's proposed reforms to the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) to address doxxing. We also reiterated that ensuring the social and emotional wellbeing of all our staff and students while promoting an environment where our community members feel confident to express a diversity of opinions is vital to upholding the principles of freedom of speech and academic freedom that underpin the pursuit of truth through research and education of the highest quality.
View the University’s submission (pdf, 207KB)
2024-25 Pre-Budget Submission – 8 March 2024
On 8 March 2024, the University made a submission to the NSW Treasurer, as part of the 2024-2025 pre-Budget consultation process.
The University is tremendously proud of our economic, social, educational and cultural impact, with alumni from 170 years of educating students and a current cohort of students and staff who live, study, teach and undertake research in 10 locations across NSW.
Understanding that the Government’s three priorities for the 2024-2025 budget are rebuilding essential services, supporting families with cost-of-living pressures, and budget repair, our submission makes 11 recommendations offering solutions related to nine key challenges or opportunities facing NSW, where we believe commitments of funding or other supports from the NSW Government would deliver significant benefits to the people of NSW for years to come.
View the University’s submission (pdf, 323KB)
National Skills Passport Consultation – 18 February 2024
On 17 January 2024, the Minister for Education and the Minister for Skills and Training released a consultation paper on a National Skills Passport. As background, in September 2023, the Australian Government announced - alongside the release of the Employment White Paper - that they would consult widely with stakeholders (including individuals, businesses, unions and tertiary institutions, as well as state, territory and local governments) on the scope and design of a National Skills Passport.
On 18 February, the University made a comprehensive submission; which was prepared in consultation with staff responsible for educational industry engagement, admissions, staff recruitment, information technology and privacy. The University supports the concept of a National Skills Passport for the potential such a platform has to assist students, workers, education providers and employers, however, our submission also emphasises the need for clarity about the scope and purpose of the initiative, the complexity of the current qualification and credential verification environment, the need for adequate resourcing and an iterative process of consultation to inform the design, development and rollout of such a platform.
View the University’s submission (pdf, 265KB)
Defence Trade Controls Amendment Bill 2023 [Provisions] – 1 February 2024
On 30 November 2023, the Senate referred the Defence Trade Controls Amendment Bill 2023 [Provisions] to the Senate Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Legislation Committee for inquiry and report by 30 April 2024. This complex Bill seeks to give effect to commitments Australia has made under the AUKUS strategic defence partnership between Australia, the UK and the US. The Bill aims to amend the Defence Trade Controls Act 2012 to establish a permit-free framework for the transfer of military and dual-use technologies between AUKUS partners, while simultaneously closing longstanding gaps in the way Australia controls transfer of these types of technologies and related services to citizens, permanent residents and entities of foreign countries.
On 1 February 2024, the University - through the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) - made a short submission; welcoming the Bill’s proposed permit-free regime for AUKUS partners and offering suggestions for how the Bill and proposed supporting regulation could be progressed to ensure that Australian universities and their researchers are operating under a control framework that is broadly equivalent to those that apply to their counterparts in the US and UK.
View the University’s submission (pdf, 173KB)
Draft Action Plan addressing gender-based violence in higher education – 23 January 2024
On 22 November 2023, the Australian Government - through the Department of Education - released for further consultation, a Draft Action Plan addressing gender-based violence in higher education.
On 23 January, we provided comprehensive responses to the four consultation questions. We also committed to working with all levels of government to prevent and address the harm that is caused by sexual assault and sexual harassment, and to playing our role in the community-wide effort required to change the underlying social conditions that permit and promote gender-based violence, including sexual violence.
View the University’s submission (pdf, 324KB)
Consultation on a National Student Ombudsman – 23 January 2024
On 22 November 2023, the Australian Government - through the Department of Education - released for further consultation, a Draft Action Plan addressing gender-based violence in higher education. Included as the first action is a proposal that the Commonwealth establish a National Student Ombudsman with investigative and dispute resolution powers to ensure domestic and international higher education students have an effective, trauma-informed complaints mechanism to use when they are not satisfied by their provider’s response (see p.6 of the Draft Action Plan).
On 23 January, we provided comprehensive responses to the four consultation questions; which included feedback to assist with the identification of the key legal and practical questions that will need to be considered when designing the legal and operational framework for the proposed new ombudsman.
View the University’s submission (pdf, 320KB)
Modern Slavery Amendment (Australian Anti-Slavery Commissioner) Bill 2023 [Provisions] – 23 January 2024
On 30 November 2023, the Attorney-General of Australia introduced a Bill to establish Australia’s first federal Anti-Slavery Commissioner. The Modern Slavery Amendment (Australian Anti-Slavery Commissioner) Bill 2023 amends the Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth) to establish the core functions of the Anti-Slavery Commissioner, including engaging and supporting victims and survivors of modern slavery and supporting business to address risks of modern slavery practices in their operations and supply chains. In December, the Senate referred the Bill to the Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee for inquiry and report by 21 February 2024.
The University made a comprehensive submission, including proposing eight recommendations for consideration by the Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee - designed to strengthen the Bill and ensure the Australian Anti-Slavery Commissioner can drive meaningful action on modern slavery.
View the University’s submission (pdf, 259.6KB)
Inquiry into the Australian Research Council Amendment (Review Response) Bill 2023 [Provisions] – 19 January 2024
On 7 December 2023, the Federal Parliament - through the Senate Education and Employment Legislation Committee - commenced an inquiry into the provisions of the Australian Research Council Amendment (Review Response) Bill 2023.
The University made a comprehensive submission, including suggesting that as the amendments to the legislation are significant and technical, that a review after 12 months - particularly to ensure that the Board is functioning effectively, and its membership, composition and size are appropriate - would be welcomed.
Revised draft HERDC specifications for the collection of 2023 data – 18 December 2023
On 1 December 2023, the Australian Government - through the Department of Education - released a revised draft of the Higher Education Research Data Collection (HERDC) specifications for the collection of 2023 data; to provide guidance to higher education providers (HEPs) and auditors on the requirements for HEPs submitting 2023 research and experimental development (R&D) income data.
On 18 December, we made a brief submission, primarily requesting that the Department reinstate text (on third-party income) which had been deleted from the November 2022 version of the 2023 draft specifications.
View the University’s submission (pdf, 150KB)
Draft National Digital Research Infrastructure Strategy – 20 November 2023
On 27 October 2023, the Australian Government - through the Department of Education - released a draft of the National Digital Research Infrastructure Strategy for public consultation; which seeks to
On 20 November, we made a submission through completion of the Department’s online questionnaire.
View the University’s submission (pdf, 225KB)
Exposure Draft of the Defence Trade Controls Amendment Bill 2023 (Cth) – 17 November 2023
On 7 November 2023, the Australian Government - through the Department of Defence - released the Exposure Draft of the Defence Trade Controls Amendment Bill 2023 (Exposure Draft Bill), which seeks to strengthen Australia’s defence export control framework and give effect to a licence/permit-free environment for AUKUS partners.
The University has a long history of constructive engagement with Defence regarding the design and implementation of the Defence Trade Controls Act 2012 (Cth) and the subsequent independent review.
On 17 November, we made a submission expressing some significant concerns about aspects of the Exposure Draft Bill and the way Defence is approaching its development, however, we remain committed to working with the Government and other stakeholders to deliver a strengthened export control regime that is robust, risk-based and administratively workable.
View the University's submission (pdf, 936KB)
Draft Australian National Persistent Identifier (PID) Strategy – 9 November 2023
In August 2023, the Australian Research Data Commons (ARDC) released the first version of the Australian National Persistent Identifier (PID) Strategy for stakeholder feedback. The ARDC is a company limited by guarantee and is enabled by the Australian Government’s National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS).
The University made a submission; highlighting that while we support the adoption of persistent identifiers for researchers, projects, data and instruments and recognise the value of doing so, the proposal in this strategy of limiting their use to research that is made FAIR only, unnecessarily restricts their utility. The University endorses the designing of processes and systems that benefit all research.
View the University’s submission (pdf, 244KB)
Legislative Council inquiry into artificial intelligence in New South Wales – 20 October 2023
On 28 June, the NSW Legislative Council’s Premier and Finance Committee invited submissions to their inquiry into artificial intelligence (AI) in NSW; where the Committee will consider the current and future extent, nature and impact of AI in NSW, including the social, economic and technical opportunities, risks and challenges it presents.
On 20 October, the University made a submission. We noted that as an institution of higher education and research, the University’s expertise and key immediate interests in AI concern the opportunities and risks the technology presents for our core work in teaching, research and support services; offered to arrange introductions to our staff with expertise most relevant to the Committee’s key areas of interest and some of our students who have provided invaluable perspectives that have helped us shape and refine our own approach to this rapidly evolving technology; and attached the comprehensive submission we made in July to the Federal Government’s inquiry into the use of generative AI in the Australian education system.
View the University’s submission (pdf, 1.25 MB)
TEQSA consultation paper on assessment reform for the age of artificial intelligence – 20 October 2023
On 28 September 2023, the Australian Government - through the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA) - released a consultation paper on Assessment reform for the age of artificial intelligence; seeking feedback on the two principles and five propositions outlined in the paper.
While three University academics were closely involved in the development of the principles and propositions outlined in the TEQSA paper, on 20 October 2023, the University made a short submission to advise the Government of our many considered actions in response to the opportunities and risks inherent in AI, including revision of our assessment principles regarding generative AI.
View the University’s submission (pdf, 254KB)
Commonwealth Government’s ‘Implementing Suburban University Study Hubs’ consultation paper – 28 September 2023
On 3 September 2023, the Australian Government - through the Department of Education - released a consultation paper on ‘Implementing Suburban University Study Hubs’; seeking input on the design and implementation of their new study hubs program.
The University made a submission supporting the concept of Suburban Study Hubs and noting that such an initiative aligns with our 2032 Strategy aspirations, including that we will expand our education offerings in Greater Western Sydney.
View the University’s submission (pdf 172.1KB)
NSW parliamentary inquiry into the Sydney Metro West project – 19 September 2023
On 16 August 2023, the NSW Legislative Assembly Committee on Transport and Infrastructure invited submissions to their inquiry into the Sydney Metro West project.
The University made a comprehensive submission addressing the inquiry’s five terms of reference in detail and specifically highlighting the opportunity to explore mass transport investment options with the Government to address the Camperdown economic growth area.
View the University’s submission (pdf, 6.7MB)
Commonwealth Government’s ‘Support for students policy’ consultation paper – 15 September 2023
On 16 August 2023, the Australian Government - through the Department of Education - released a consultation paper on ‘Support for students policy’ requirements.
The University made a comprehensive submission. Prior to addressing the nine consultation questions, the submission provides some detail about our three key issues of concern:
View the University’s submission (pdf, 278KB)
Consultation on TEQSA fees and charges – 12 September 2023
On 28 August 2023, the Australian Government - through the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA) - released a consultation paper on TEQSA fees and charges; inviting feedback on the proposed changes.
The University made a brief submission, making particular comment on the 25 per cent increase to the fee when adding an additional course to ESOS Act registration.
View the University’s submission (pdf, 186KB)
Australian Universities Accord Interim Report – 1 September 2023
On 19 July, the Federal Minister for Education, the Hon. Jason Clare MP, released the 150-page Interim Report of the Australian Universities Accord Panel.
Interested individuals and organisations were given until 1 September to make submissions in response, with strict instructions provided regarding the length and content.
Stakeholders were requested to provide:
Building on two previous submissions to the Accord (December 2022 and April 2023) the University’s three-page submission addressed three critical and as yet unanswered questions it urged the Panel to address in its final report, due in December:
Reflection A. How should equitable growth in tertiary education participation and success be achieved?
Reflection B. How should Australia’s capability for research and its translation be strengthened?
Reflection C. How should the task of reforming the way Australia regulates, funds and runs its tertiary education and research system be approached?
The submission included a set of nine integrated recommendations focused on the short-term actions the Accord Panel should recommend the Government take to put Australia on a clear path to achieving a much fairer and stronger tertiary education and research system by 2035.
It also conveyed strong support for the Accord’s vision for a future Australian tertiary education system that has First Nations peoples, culture and knowledge at its heart; argued strongly against the introduction of a levy on revenue providers receive from international students; and included detailed reflections about the future of work-integrated learning (WIL) prepared by academic leaders in the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Education) Portfolio and Faculty of Medicine and Health (specifically covering healthcare programs with mandatory student placements).
View the University's submission (pdf, 789.4KB)
Higher Education Support Amendment (Response to the Australian Universities Accord Interim Report) Bill 2023 [Provisions] – 25 August 2023
On 10 August 2023, the Senate referred the provisions of the Higher Education Support Amendment (Response to the Australian Universities Accord Interim Report) Bill 2023 to the Education and Employment Legislation Committee for inquiry and report by 13 September 2023.
The University made a comprehensive submission, stressing that our main concern with the Bill is not with its policy objectives (two in particular which we strongly support); rather that by not genuinely consulting with stakeholders before introducing it to Parliament, the Government is risking similar unintended consequences to those it is seeking to address.
View the University’s submission (pdf, 216.8KB)
Inquiry into the use of generative artificial intelligence in the Australian education system – 14 July 2023
On 24 May 2023, the Federal Parliament - through the House Standing Committee on Employment, Education and Training - commenced an inquiry into the use of generative AI in the Australian education system; inviting interested persons and organisations to make a submission addressing the terms of reference.
The University made a comprehensive submission, providing an overview of our approach to generative AI in our teaching, assessments, research and support activities, and concluding with five recommendations for the Committee to consider putting to the Australian Government.
View the University’s submission (pdf, 1.1MB)
Improving alignment and coordination between the Medical Research Future Fund and NHMRC’s Medical Research Endowment Account – 14 July 2023
On 4 June 2023, the Australian Government - through the Department of Health and Aged Care - released a discussion paper to support sector-wide consultation into improving the alignment and coordination between the Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF) and the NHMRC Medical Research Endowment Account (MREA).
The University made a comprehensive submission, supporting the staged implementation of the management of both the MREA and MRFF by one agency (the NHMRC) as the model best able to support the development of a coordinated and comprehensive national health and medical research strategy.
View the University’s submission (pdf, 318KB)
Development of a National Robotics Strategy – 12 May 2023
On 5 April 2023, the Australian Government - through the Department of Industry, Science and Resources - released a discussion paper for stakeholders to assist with informing a National Robotics Strategy.
The Australian Centre for Robotics within the Faculty of Engineering made a comprehensive submission, accompanied by a cover letter from the Vice-Chancellor. The Centre has been at the forefront of Australian robotics innovation for over 25 years.
View the submission from the Australian Centre for Robotics (pdf, 502KB)
Developments in higher education admission practices – 28 April 2023
On 20 March 2023, the Australian Government's Higher Education Standards Panel (HESP) circulated a discussion paper on ‘Developments in higher education admission practices’, requesting feedback from the sector to contribute to their submission on admission practices to the Australian Universities Accord Review.
The University made a submission, raising a number of concerns about the noticeable shift underway to Early/At-School Offers; in particular the lack of transparency regarding the criteria on which these offers are being based.
View the University’s submission (pdf, 610KB)
Response to the Australian Universities Accord discussion paper – 11 April 2023
On 22 February 2023, Professor Mary O’Kane AC, Chair of the Australian Universities Accord Panel, released a discussion paper and called on stakeholders to come forward with big ideas for the future of Australia’s higher education system.
The University’s submission in response to the discussion paper expands on issues we raised in our initial submission of December 2022, when the Accord Panel was seeking guidance about priority issues for review.
Our submission was prepared following extensive consultation with members of the University community. It draws parallels between the Accord opportunity and the nation-building efforts of previous Commonwealth governments, and sets a vision for a transformed Australian tertiary education system by 2040.
After discussing the key trends, challenges and opportunities facing Australia and its tertiary education system, our submission puts forward 12 ideas centred around the Accord’s key themes of: access and opportunity; education and skills for the future; delivering new knowledge, innovation and capability; and policy making, governance, regulation and funding.
The submission also makes recommendations to the Panel about the steps the Commonwealth could take immediately to address some of the most problematic aspects of the Job-ready Graduates Package changes to higher education funding, which have been in place since 2021.
View the University’s second submission to the Accord (pdf 3.2MB)
Pathway to Diversity in STEM Review – 6 April 2023
On 3 March 2023, the Australian Government – through the Department of Industry, Science and Resources – opened consultations on its review of Diversity in STEM with a Pathway to Diversity in STEM Review Dialogue Starter. The Review will be led by an independent panel and welcomes insights from people in historically underrepresented groups in STEM, and also from organisations who support, employ, educate, learn from, represent or have policies and programs impacting people in STEM.
On 6 April, the University - led by the SAGE (Science in Australia Gender Equity) team - provided to the review panel, a comprehensive response to the four questions in the Dialogue Starter.
View the University’s submission (pdf, 535KB)
Consultation on the National Reconstruction Fund – 3 February 2023
On 30 November 2022, the Australian Government - through the Department of Industry, Science and Resources - opened consultations on the National Reconstruction Fund by inviting feedback on the implementation of the Fund, including the investment mandate.
The University made a brief submission, expressing our strong support for a substantial dedicated source of long-term capital that will become available for strategic investments to strengthen Australia’s sovereign manufacturing capability in areas of identified national priority.
We also provided high-level points for the Department’s consideration including: the content of the NRF Investment Mandate legislative instrument; the membership of the Corporation’s Board; potential focus areas for the Board’s advisory committees; and the types of projects that the NRF should focus on to build stronger pathways for Australian R&D and to encourage greater levels of private investment in priority areas.
View the University’s submission (pdf, 208.7KB)
Parliamentary inquiry into food security in Australia – 31 January 2023
On 26 October 2022, the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Agriculture commenced an inquiry into strengthening food security in Australia and invited submissions addressing four terms of reference.
The University made a submission, drawing on insights from staff in the Sydney Institute of Agriculture and the Sydney Business School; while also briefly highlighting the relevant expertise available in the centres, institutes and schools within the University.
The submission has been posted on the inquiry’s webpage, at no. 152.
View the University’s submission (pdf, 311.1KB)
Australian Government’s Southeast Asia Economic Strategy – 31 January 2023
In November 2022, the Australian Government - through the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade - invited submissions from interested stakeholders to inform the Southeast Asia Economic Strategy to 2040; releasing four questions for consideration.
The University made a submission, which supplements the detailed feedback we provided the newly announced Special Envoy for Southeast Asia, in December 2022.
Consultation on the Terms of Reference of the Australian Universities Accord – 19 December 2022
On 24 November 2022, the Australian Government - through the Department of Education - opened consultations on the Australian Universities Accord Terms of Reference by inviting interested stakeholders and organisations to make an initial submission outlining their priorities for the Accord in the context of the Terms of Reference.
The University made a detailed submission, providing feedback to the Accord Panel on the priority issues it should be considering during 2023, under each of the seven ‘Focus Areas’ set out in the Accord’s terms of reference.
At this early stage in the consultations, we see the priority issues as follows:
View the University’s submission (pdf, 425.1KB)
NSW public procurement and modern slavery – 16 December 2022
In September 2022, the NSW Anti-slavery Commissioner released a discussion paper on NSW public procurement and modern slavery and invited responses from interested stakeholders to help develop a clear, shared framework for driving up the effectiveness of modern slavery due diligence in NSW public procurement.
The University made a detailed submission, drawing on insights from our firsthand experience as a reporting entity under the Commonwealth Modern Slavery Act 2018 and through consultation with a number of academic colleagues. Our submission was supportive of the Commissioner’s proposed approach, while recommending that the NSW Government play a leading role by modelling best practice approaches through its public procurement, and the Commissioner drives good practice standards through the development of a guidance and information portal for use by both procurers and suppliers.
View the University’s submission (pdf, 572KB)
Review of Australian Research Council Act 2001 – 14 December 2022
On 30 August 2022, the Minister for Education announced an independent review into the Australian Research Council Act 2001 (ARC Review). On 9 November 2022, the ARC Review Panel released a consultation paper and invited public submissions.
The University made a detailed submission; providing comprehensive responses to the consultation questions set out in the paper’s nine areas of focus (Scope and purpose of the ARC; Governance and management; Academic expertise and peer review; Grant approval; National Interest Test; Administrative burden; Process improvements; ERA and EI; Evaluation capability).
View the University’s submission (pdf, 236.7KB)
Australian Government’s new international development policy – 30 November 2022
In October 2022, the Australian Government - through the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade - announced a call for submissions to inform the new policy that will set the long-term direction for Australia’s international development engagement. DFAT also released the terms of reference, which provided details on the scope, process and timeline for the development of the new policy.
The University made a detailed submission, drawing on insights from staff who are already involved in projects that contribute to Australia’s overall development presence in the Indo-Pacific. We also provided responses to five of the seven key questions contained in the terms of reference.
View the University’s submission (pdf, 374.4KB)
Review of Australia’s Modern Slavery Act 2018 – 21 November 2022
On 22 August 2022, the Australian Government - through the Attorney-General’s Department - released for public consultation an issues paper on the effectiveness of the first three years of the Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth). The issues paper is part of the statutory review of the Act, which is due to be completed by 31 March 2023.
The University made a detailed submission, drawing on insights from our firsthand experience as a reporting entity under the Act and through consultation with a number of academic colleagues. Our submission recommended measures to strengthen the Act to better enable reporting entities to carry out effective human rights due diligence and keep pace with the rapidly-evolving regulatory landscape in Australia and abroad. We also highlighted that the Act - in its current form - is not fit-for-purpose for non-corporate organisations such as universities, and called for the development of evidence-based, sector-specific guidance, through meaningful engagement with the higher education sector and academic experts on modern slavery risks.
View the University’s submission (pdf, 614.4KB)
Review of Veterinary Education in Australia and New Zealand – 11 November 2022
On 31 August, the Veterinary Schools of Australia and New Zealand (VSANZ) released the discussion paper ‘Rethinking Veterinary Education', announcing a landmark comprehensive review of veterinary education in Australia and New Zealand by an independent expert panel. The review has been prompted by rapidly changing veterinary and educational challenges, and recognition that the model of training and registering veterinarians has not fundamentally changed for decades.
The University made a comprehensive submission, prepared in close collaboration with the leadership of the Sydney School of Veterinary Science and our Faculty of Science.
View the University's submission (pdf, 1.3MB)
National Quantum Strategy: proposed framework – 4 November 2022
On 5 October, the Australian Government - through the Department of Industry, Science and Resources - released a consultation paper on a proposed framework for the Government’s National Quantum Strategy.
The University made a brief submission - in addition to reiterating the key recommendations the Sydney Quantum Academy (SQA) made in its response to the Government’s Issues Paper earlier in 2022, we also offered feedback in three key areas (quantum commercialisation ecosystem; quantum research infrastructure; quantum talent) to complement and reinforce the priorities SQA are emphasising in the finalisation of the Government’s strategy.
View the University’s submission (pdf, 172.8KB)
Transparency of higher education admissions information – 1 November 2022
On 28 September, the Higher Education Standards Panel (HESP) released a discussion paper for public consultation on extending sector-agreed admissions information sets to improve the transparency of admissions information for prospective international and postgraduate applicants. HESP is the expert statutory advisory body established under the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency Act 2011 (TEQSA Act), with responsibility related to the standards for delivery of higher education in Australia.
The University made a detailed submission; supportive of HESP’s plan to improve the consistency and comparability of information on admission requirements for prospective higher education students, particularly for postgraduate courses and international applicants.
View the University's submission (pdf, 348.6KB)
List of critical technologies in the national interest: 2022 update – 30 September 2022
On 22 August, the Australian Government - through the Department of Industry, Science and Resources - released a consultation paper on the 2022 list of critical technologies. The Department is seeking comments from all interested stakeholders, including government, jurisdictional and international partners, industry, and academia.
The University made a brief submission based on responding to the Department’s five questions for stakeholders - including noting the omission of technologies critical to ongoing Environmental Adaptation; recommending the inclusion of technologies related to disaster response and resilience, negative emissions, infrastructure adaptation, ecological forecasting and ecological engineering, and maintaining and boosting agriculture.
View the University's submission (pdf, 111.4 KB)
Data Availability and Transparency Code 2022 Exposure Draft – 19 September 2022
On 17 August, the Australian Government - through the Office of the National Data Commissioner - released the exposure draft of the Data Availability and Transparency Code 2022, accompanied by a consultation paper
The University made a comprehensive submission, providing extensive feedback to the 22 questions contained in the consultation paper; in the form of articulating issues of concern and making recommendations. Our key concern is that the Code, as currently drafted, is unlikely to serve the legislation's key objective, which is to establish a framework that substantially improves the sharing of data held by Commonwealth agencies in the public interest, including for research and development purposes. We also reiterated our commitment to working with the Commission to ensure the Scheme’s effective design, implementation and ongoing operation.
View the University's submission (pdf. 306.3KB)
NSW Government’s Redfern North Eveleigh rezoning proposal – 25 August 2022
On 26 July 2022, the NSW Government - through Transport for NSW - released for public consultation, a rezoning proposal for the Paint Shop sub-precinct in Redfern North Eveleigh.
The University made a submission, requesting that the consultation period on the proposal be extended to allow for engagement with the Tech Central Alliance. We are concerned that the rezoning proposal does not recognise the potential of the Redfern North Eveleigh precinct in supporting the innovation outputs of Tech Central. Both the University and Alliance submissions request that this is addressed as a priority.
View the University’s submission (pdf, 4MB)
NSW Annual Reporting Reform 2022 – 15 July 2022
In June, the NSW Government - through Treasury - released a discussion paper on annual reporting reform; seeking feedback on its proposed principles-based annual reporting framework.
Following internal consultation, the University made a comprehensive submission - supporting the direction of these proposed reforms, while raising significant concerns around implementation timelines and the practicalities of making the transition to the new framework as smooth as possible.
View the unversity's submission (pdf, 369KB)
Australian Data Strategy – 30 June 2022
The Australian Government - through the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet - has released a discussion paper on an inaugural national data strategy as part of their vision for Australia’s development over the coming decade.
The University made a submission, including noting that from a research perspective, improved data accessibility would enable collaborative research across state and national jurisdictions and promote national and international research and industry partnerships.
View the University’s submission (pdf, 83.9KB)
NSW Industry Policy Green Paper consultations – 24 June 2022
On 16 May, the NSW Government - through the Minister for Enterprise, Investment and Trade - released Investment NSW’s Green Paper, Securing Future Innovation and Global Competitiveness in NSW, and requested public submissions to help shape industry policy to strengthen the state’s economic performance over the next decade.
Following internal consultation, the University made a comprehensive submission; welcoming the Green Paper’s recognition of the importance of R&D, education and skills development to NSW’s future, and specifically, the identification of international education as an established sector of strength and potential for continuing competitive advantage. In addition to addressing the broad spectrum of questions raised in the Green Paper, we also nominated three extra and interlinked transformational forces that we expect will shape the NSW higher education sector’s transition challenges and opportunities over the next decade.
View the university's submission (pdf, 83.2KB)
National Data Security Discussion Paper – 23 June 2022
On 6 April, the Australian Government - through the Department of Home Affairs - released a discussion paper to support the development of the National Data Security Action Plan.
The University made a brief submission; noting that the resulting security uplift from improved and harmonised data security and legislative frameworks would benefit and enable collaborative and translational research projects particularly in the areas of health, social sciences and defence. Taking a high-level view, we also articulated five issues as priorities: (1) Simplification, streamlining of government holdings; (2) Ability of government to protect and handle data; (3) International and national consistency for cross-border data flows; (4) Supply chain security; (5) Skilled workforce development.
View the University’s submission (pdf, 540.3KB)
NSW Government 2022 Flood Inquiry – 23 June 2022
In March 2022, the NSW Government commissioned an independent expert inquiry into ‘the preparation for, causes of, response to and recovery from the 2022 catastrophic flood event across the state of NSW’, with the Co-Leads announced as Professor Mary O’Kane AC and Mr Michael Fuller APM.
On 16 May, the Henry Halloran Trust and the Research Portfolio convened a workshop for researchers with expertise relevant to flood response, recovery and resilience planning efforts. Subsquently, on 23 June, the Trust lodged a multidisciplinary submission with the Inquiry Co-Leads.
View the submission via the Henry Halloran Trial webpage.
In addition to a series of specific remarks in response to the Inquiry’s Terms of Reference, the submission also offered overall comments in relation to the role of the higher education sector across research, knowledge sharing, education, and capacity building.
Australian Research Data Commons consultations - 31 May 2022
On 1 April, the Australian Research Data Commons released the draft ‘Research Data Management Framework for Australian universities’ for comment, which is being developed as part of their Institutional Underpinnings program.
The University made a brief submission, noting our active support of the program and offering two key suggestions on the draft framework. These are that there is value in developing at least some of the second-tier elements further - in particular, data ownership, digital preservation and governance - so that they play a more prominent role in the framework, and the inclusion of appropriate Indigenous data management requirements.
View the University’s submission (pdf, 101KB).
Higher Education Standards Panel - proposed inclusion of research translation in the Higher Education Threshold Standards – 6 May 2022
During April 2022, UA and the Go8 both made submissions to the Department of Education, Skills and Employment on the HESP proposal to include research translation in the Higher Education Threshold Standards.
The University also made a submission, elaborating on the following four issues of concern:
View the University’s submission (pdf, 186KB).
Education Services for Overseas Students (ESOS) Review 2022 – 29 April 2022
In February 2022, the Australian Government – through the Department of Education, Skills and Employment – released a discussion paper on the review of the ESOS legislative framework.
The University provided responses to the 27 questions based on the six issues articulated for consideration; in addition to the three final general questions.
In conclusion, we reiterated that the ESOS framework, the Higher Education Standards Framework (HESF) and the Migration Act all need to work better in tandem for a smoother international student experience.
View the University’s submission (pdf, 428KB)
ERA 2023 Benchmarking and Rating Scale Consultation – 22 April 2022
In March 2022, the Australian Research Council released the ERA 2023 Benchmarking and Rating Scale Consultation Paperpublic consultation. This follows the 2020 ERA EI review which recommended that the ERA benchmarks and rating scale be revised to account for changes in the global research environment and to provide greater granularity to identify our best universities and their strengths.
Theconsultation paper proposes two options for revising the rating scale. Each option is intended to provide robust best practice assessments and allow for comparison of universities against the average standard of performance in the discipline worldwide. Each option is also intended to set a new elite standard for which universities can strive.
The University provided detailed feedback on the ARC's proposed options.
View the University’s submission. (pdf, 262KB)
NSW Legislative Council inquiry into use of primates and other animals in medical research – 31 March 2022
On 1 February 2022, the NSW Government - through its Legislative Council’s Health Portfolio Committee - released their terms of reference for an inquiry into the use of primates and other animals in medical research in New South Wales.
The University provided a comprehensive submission in response to the inquiry’ terms of reference, including examples of impactful medical research involving animals at the University and of government-funded initiatives to meet the 3Rs (of Replacement, Reduction and Refinement) in other countries. We also highlighted the paucity of funding for 3Rs research and emphasised that all animals that fall under the definition of an animal within the Code and the NSW Animal Research Act are given equal consideration for their wellbeing, environmental enrichment and care, whether it is a fish or a non-human primate. The Committee accepted the submission and it has been published on the inquiry webpage at no. 217.
View the University’s submission (pdf, 313KB)
ANZCCART Australian Openness Agreement on Animal Research21 March 2022
Early in 2022, the Australian & New Zealand Council for the Care of Animals in Research and Teaching (ANZCCART) released their proposed draft of an Australian Openness Agreement in animal research, for public consultation. An openness agreement is a voluntary pledge that can be signed by organisations wishing to demonstrate commitment to greater transparency in their use of animals for research or teaching.
The University provided feedback to ANZCCART to assist in refining its proposed Agreement. We also reiterated our in-principle support for the initiative, which aligns strongly with our key organisational values of openness and engagement.
View the University’s submission (pdf, 236KB)
ERA 2023 Submission Documents Consultation – 18 March 2022
In preparation for the Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA) 2023 submission process, the Australian Research Council (ARC) released the following documents for consultation
On 18 March 2022, the University provided feedback on the Guidelines and the associated technical specifications, business rules and the discipline matrix.
View the University’s submission.(pdf, 124KB)
ERA 2023 Preprints Consultation – 18 March 2022
In preparation for the Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA) 2023 submission process, the Australian Research Council (ARC) released a consultation paper on preprints for feedback.
On 18 March 2022, the University provided feedback on the Preprints Consultation Paper.
View the University’s submission. (pdf, 237KB)
Higher Education Research Commercialisation (HERC) Intellectual Property (IP) Framework Materials Consultation – 2 March 2022
On 7 February 2022, the Australian Government - through the Department of Education, Skills and Employment - made the HERC IP Framework materials available for public consultation and feedback.
The University made a submission which included five key recommendations to improve the Framework documents. This submission follows one made on 18 October 2021, which articulated our approach to industry collaboration and research commercialisation and expressed three key concerns with the proposals set out in the consultation paper on the Framework.
View the University’s submission (pdf, 238KB)
Animal welfare policy in New South Wales –28 February 2022
In November 2021, the NSW Legislative Council’s Standing Committee on State Development adopted Terms of Reference for an inquiry into and report on the State's animal welfare policy, regulatory and legislative framework.
The University made a submission, restating our concerns that incorporating the Animal Research Act 1985, Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1979 and Exhibited Animals Protection Act 1986 into a single new Act risks dilution of the important internationally recognised standards of regulation for animal research and the community reassurance and confidence that this delivers. In our submission we provided feedback on the Draft Animal Welfare Bill 2022 for consideration by the Standing Committee.
View the University’s submission (pdf, 129KB)
Our submission is No. 78 on the list published on the inquiry webpage.
Australian Research Council Amendment (Ensuring Research Independence) Bill 2018 – 25 February 2022
On 9 February 2022, the Senate referred the Australian Research Council Amendment (Ensuring Research Independence) Bill 2018 to the Education and Employment Legislation Committee for inquiry and report by 15 March 2022
View the University's submission (pdf, 94.4KB)
International student diversity at Australian universities Discussion Paper – 25 February 2022
On 3 February 2022, the Australian Government - through the Department of Education, Skills and Employment - released a discussion paper inviting views on the benefits and challenges of diversifying international student cohorts, and the role government policy measures can play in supporting diversification at public universities.
The University made a submission which includes insights about the key drivers influencing Australian universities’ international student cohort mixes and references to research on the relationship between international student diversity, learning and graduate outcomes.
View the University’s submission (pdf, 331KB)
Exposure Draft of the Copyright Amendment (Access Reform) Bill 2021 & Review of Technological Protection Measures Exceptions– 25 February 2022
On 21 December 2021, the Australian Government - through the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications - released a discussion paper for feedback on the Exposure Draft of the Copyright Amendment (Access Reform) Bill 2021 (the Bill) & Review of Technological Protection Measures (TPM) Exceptions.
The discussion paper seeks views on the Bill and the Government’s aim to simplify and update provisions of the Copyright Act 1968 to better support the needs of Australians accessing content in the digital environment. The Government is also concurrently conducting a review of the TPM exceptions in section 40 of the Copyright Regulations 2017.
View the University's submission (pdf, 374KB)
Security of Critical Infrastructure (Application) Rules 2021 and mandatory cyber incident reporting – 1 February 2022
On 15 December 2021, the University received correspondence from the Department of Home Affairs notifying us of Ministerial intentions in relation to the Security of Critical Infrastructure Act 2018, as amended by the Security Legislation Amendment (Critical Infrastructure) Act 2021. The letter was accompanied by the explanatory statement on the Security of Critical Infrastructure (Application) Rules 2021.
The University made a short submission, following a 2021 submission made to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security’s review of the Security Legislation Amendment (Critical Infrastructure) Bill 2020 (12 February) and more detailed submissions made in 2020 to the Department of Home Affairs containing feedback to the exposure draft of the Bill (27 November) and the consultation paper (16 September).
View the University’s submission (pdf, 89.4KB)
Exposure Draft of the Security Legislation Amendment (Critical Infrastructure Protection) Bill 2022 – 31 January 2022
From 15 December 2021 to 1 February 2022, the Department of Home Affairs undertook consultation and sought submissions on the Exposure Draft of the Security Legislation Amendment (Critical Infrastructure Protection) Bill 2022 (the SLACIP Bill) and the SLACIP Bill’s accompanying draft Explanatory Document.
The University made a short submission, following a 2021 submission made to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security’s review of the Security Legislation Amendment (Critical Infrastructure) Bill 2020 (12 February) and more detailed submissions made in 2020 to the Department of Home Affairs containing feedback to the exposure draft of the Bill (27 November) and the consultation paper (16 September).
View the University’s submission (pdf, 91.7KB)
Global Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education – 22 January 2022
On 22 November 2021, the Australian Government’s Joint Committee on Treaties commenced an inquiry into the Global Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education (Paris, 25 November 2021)
The University made a submission supporting the Committee recommending to the Parliament that Australia ratifies this Convention. We also noted that the objectives and basic principles enshrined in the Convention are consistent with the University’s existing policies and practices, and that the potential long-term benefits of ratification for students, graduates and employers are likely to significantly outweigh the possible extra administration costs that could arise for Australian higher education providers.
Higher Education Research Commercialisation IP Framework – 18 October 2021
On 21 September, the Minister for Education and Youth announced that feedback was being sought from universities, researchers and industry on an IP framework to promote greater collaboration between universities and industry and boost research commercialisation in Australia. The Minister also launched the consultation paper on the Higher Education Research Commercialisation IP Framework.
The University made a submission - articulating our approach to industry collaboration and research commercialisation and expressing three key concerns with the proposals set out in the consultation paper.
View the University's submission here
Australian Medical Research Advisory Board consultations – 11 October 2021
On 20 September, the Australian Medical Research Advisory Board (AMRAB) opened consultations to develop the next Australian Medical Research and Innovation Strategy 2021-2026 and its related Priorities. The Strategy is set every five years and seeks to take into account Australia’s health needs and areas that need greater investment.
The University made a submission; consisting of responding to the eight questions set out in the consultation paper. These questions addressed the current and next Strategy (including how to address COVID-19 related topics and impacts) and the current and next set of Priorities (including identifying the most critical current and future issues for the health system and the health and medical research sector that the next Priorities need to address through research translation/implementation).
View the University’s submission.
NSW Animal Welfare Reform Discussion Paper – 17 September 2021
On 3 August, the NSW Department of Primary Industries released a discussion paper on NSW Animal Welfare Reform.
The University made a submission through completion of the online survey. While we support the NSW Government’s intention to establish a single, modern animal care and protection law, we did state our strong preference that the Animal Research Act 1985 remains an independent Act, in line with countries that are recognised world leaders in supporting the welfare of animals used in research.
View the University’s submission.
Implementation paper: Growing industry internships for research PhD students through the Research Training Program – 6 August 2021
On 20 July 2021, the Department of Education, Skills and Employment released a paper for feedback on implementation arrangements for the 2021‑2022 Budget measure Growing industry placements for research PhD students through the Research Training Program.
The paper seeks views on implementation arrangements for research PhD students who undertake internships which are eligible for the new RTP weighting and associated changes to the Tertiary Collection of Student Information (TCSI) system.
The University responded to the online survey, which consisted of seven questions.
View the University’s responses.
Australian Data Strategy discussion paper – 6 August 2021
During the 2021-22 Budget, the Australian Government committed to developing an Australian Data Strategy to create a data-driven economy through better data use.
On 20 July 2021, the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet released a discussion paper; seeking the University’s input to inform development of the Strategy. Development of the Strategy is expected to conclude by the end of the year.
The University made a submission, noting that creating a national data strategy presents the government and invested sectors with a rare opportunity to align our national priorities and legislation with international standards; which will result in significant benefits for international research, innovation and economic development.
View the University’s submission.
Review of Foundation Program Standards – 26 July 2021
On 9 July, the Department of Education, Skills and Employment advised the University that they were reviewing the National Standards for Foundation Programs (the Standards); inviting feedback to the related consultation paper. The paper, ‘Foundation Program Standards: positioning for quality, success and competitiveness’, discusses redeveloping and enhancing the Standards for introduction from 1 October 2021.
The University made a submission, responding to the six discussion questions in the consultation paper. We also highlighted the rigorous oversight of our foundation program; noting that we monitor intake standards and the academic progression of foundation students carefully, particularly in the first year of their chosen bachelor programs.
View the University’s submission.
Quality Initial Teacher Education Review – 18 July 2021
On 15 April 2021, the Minister for Education and Youth launched the Quality Initial Teacher Education Review. Subsequently, on 21 June 2021, a standalone website was launched by the Department of Education, Skills and Employment, with an Expert Panel announced and a discussion paper released.
A submission was made by Professor Debra Hayes as Head of the Sydney School of Education & Social Work.
University-Industry Collaboration in Teaching and Learning Review – 16 July 2021
On 3 June 2021, the Minister for Education and Youth, and the Minister for Employment, Workforce, Skills, Small and Family Business, announced a review into building closer ties between Australian universities and industry.
Subsequently, on 10 June 2021, the Department of Education, Skills and Employment issued the Terms of Reference (ToR) for the Review, alongside an invitation to make a written submission or provide case studies in response to these ToR.
The University made a submission, which included highlighting how we embed Work-Integrated Learning (WIL) opportunities in a variety of different ways across our programs.
View the University’s submission.
NSW Heritage Act Review – 27 June 2021
In May 2021, the NSW Government - through the Legislative Council’s Standing Committee on Social Issues - undertook to review the Heritage Act 1977, in particular, to look at the effectiveness of the Heritage Act and the NSW heritage regulatory system, along with heritage aspects of the Environmental Protection and Assessment Act 1979.
The University made a submission, responding specifically to two of the 19 focus questions raised in the exhibited document ‘Review of NSW Heritage Legislation - Discussion Paper, April 2021’.
View the University’s submission.
TEQSA consultation paper: Fees and charges proposal – 3 June 2021
On 30 April 2021, the Australian Government - through the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA) - released a consultation paper providing information on changes to cost recovery by TEQSA commencing on 1 January 2022. The paper informs stakeholders of how TEQSA proposes to determine their regulatory fees and charges.
The University made a submission emphasising our deep concerns about the policy inconsistency of applying the Government’s regulatory full cost recovery model to charitable, not-for-profit, tax exempt higher education providers registered with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC) and the extra red tape burden the proposed regime will introduce for the sector. We also made four suggestions regarding the structure of the proposed new annual levy and TEQSA’s overall approach to developing, implementing and refining its full cost recovery model; for consideration in keeping with TEQSA’s commitment to contemporary regulation and quality assurance.
View the University's submission.
ANAO audit: Health’s Management of the Medical Research Future Fund – 28 May 2021
In May 2021, the Australian Government - through the Australian National Audit Office (ANAO) - announced an audit with the objective to assess whether the Department of Health is effectively managing the Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF).
The University made a submission after consulting with medical researchers within the institution. While addressing the ANAO’s three criteria, we made a number of suggestions regarding the governance of the MRFF and consequent performance measurements.
View the University's submission.
Consultation paper: ‘Connected, Creative, Caring: Australian Strategy for International Education 2021-2030’ – 12 May 2021
In April 2021, the Department of Education, Skills and Employment released a consultation paper on the development of a new Australian Strategy for International Education 2021-2030.
The University made a submission after consulting within the institution. Our feedback is also intended to complement the submissions provided by Universities Australia (UA), the Group of Eight (Go8) and the International Education Association of Australia (IEAA), to which we have contributed.
View the University’s submission.
Consultation paper: University Research Commercialisation – 9 April 2021
On 25 February 2021, the Department of Education, Skills and Employment released a consultation paper on the development of a model for university research commercialisation and possible mechanisms to incentivise and increase partnerships between businesses and universities.
The University made a submission after consulting widely with our successful research commercialisers and through them with their industry partners.
View the University’s submission
NSW Government’s Draft Westmead Place Strategy - 31 March 2021
On 14 December 2020, the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE) released a Draft Place Strategy for the Westmead Precinct. Feedback was being sought to inform the final plans and help shape the future of Westmead as a health and innovation district.=
The University made a submission, reiterating our wish that continued efforts be placed on incorporating the extensive work already undertaken by the Department of Premier & Cabinet, DPIE and the University in relation to the development of a University campus at Westmead, while noting that the draft Westmead Place Strategy contains some inconsistencies with the Parramatta North Structure Plan.
View the University's submission
Inquiry into the Data Availability and Transparency Bills – 12 March
On 4 February 2021, the Senate referred the Data Availability and Transparency Bill 2020 [Provisions] and Data Availability and Transparency (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2020 [Provisions] for inquiry by the Senate’s Finance and Public Administration Legislation Committee.
The University made a submission, following our more detailed submissions made to the Office of the National Data Commissioner containing feedback on the exposure draft and accreditation framework (6 November 2020); the Data Sharing and Release Legislative Reforms Discussion Paper (15 October 2019) and the Data Sharing and Release Legislation Consultations (1 August 2018), and two submissions in 2016 to the Productivity Commission’s inquiry into Data Availability and Use.
While the University is broadly supportive of the Bill, we did raise some concerns, including about how data custodians will apply the ‘public benefit’ test of the research, and the fees associated with accreditation of institutions and their researchers and also those charged for access to the datasets.
View the University’s submission. It has been received and accepted by the Committee, at #18 on the submissions list
Commonwealth Integrity Commission consultation draft – 12 February 2021
On 2 November 2020, the Australian Government - through the Attorney-General’s Department - released draft legislation to establish their proposed Commonwealth Integrity Commission which intends to strengthen integrity arrangements across the federal public sector. The draft legislation comprises two Bills - the Commonwealth Integrity Commission Bill 2020 and the Integrity and Anti-Corruption Legislation Amendment (CIC Establishment and Other Measures) Bill 2020.
The University made a submission emphasising our deep concerns about the fundamental conceptual and structural problems with the proposed legislation. We also elaborated on three of our key concerns: the unnecessary duplication and intersection with the effective State-based anti-corruption regimes that already apply to most Australian public universities; the different standards proposed for staff of higher education providers, and the increased administrative and extra red tape burden the proposed regime will introduce for higher education providers.
View the University's submission.
Review of Security Legislation Amendment (Critical Infrastructure) Bill 2020 and statutory review of the Security of Critical Infrastructure Act 2018 – 12 February 2021
On 21 December 2020, the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security commenced a review into the Security Legislation Amendment (Critical Infrastructure) Bill 2020, following a referral from the Attorney-General. The Bill was introduced into Parliament on 10 December 2020.
The University made a short submission, following our more detailed submissions made in 2020 to the Department of Home Affairs containing feedback to the exposure draft (27 November) and the consultation paper (16 September).
Further, in addition to reiterating the importance of a proportionate and workable regulatory approach, we also endorsed the submission from Universities Australia and any advice the Group of Eight provided on behalf of its member institutions.
View the University’s submission. It has been accepted by the Committee, at #13 on the list of submissions
Treasury discussion paper: Education and training expense deductions for individuals – 22 January 2021
In the 2020-21 Budget, the Australian Government announced that it would consult on allowing individuals to deduct education and training expenses they incur, where the expense is not related to their current employment.
On 11 December 2020, Treasury released a discussion paper, which seeks stakeholder views on whether tax arrangements should play a greater role in encouraging Australians to retrain and reskill to support their future employment and career and, if so, how this would best be achieved.
The University made a brief submission, with one of our concluding statements being that making such a change to Australia’s tax system would send a strong and timely message to the community about the importance and value of individuals pursuing further education and training throughout their lives.
View the University's submission
View the University’s submission on the Data Availability and Transparency Bill – 6 November 2020.
View the University’s submission on Revitalising Blackwattle Bay - 19 June 2020 (pdf, 186KB)
View the University’s submission on the Review of State Records Act - 29 April 2020 (pdf, 150KB)
View the University’s submission on Tuition Protection Services levy - 17 April 2020 (pdf, 103KB)
View the School of Languages and Cultures’ submission.
Submission to help the NSW Government accelerate R&D in NSW, December 2019.
Submission to modernising the Research and Development Corporation (RDC) system, November 2019.
Submission to M12 Motorway environmental impact statement consultations, November 2019.
Submission to the House of Representatives Agriculture Industry Inquiry, October 2019.
Submission to NSW Legislative Council Inquiry into Sydenham-Bankstown Line conversion, October 2019.
Submission to Senate Inquiry into Adequacy of Newstart, September 2019.
Submission to federal government bills to close the Education Investment Fund (EIF).
Submission to strengthening rural allied health consultations, August 2019
Submission to the National Foundation for Australia-China Relations, July 2019.
Submission to draft legislation tackling academic cheating services, June 2019 (pdf, 627KB).
Submission to Australian Qualifications Framework review, March 2019 (pdf, 250KB)
Submission to 'review of the Higher Education provider category standards', March 2019 (pdf, 1.6MB)
Submission to tackling contract cheating, March 2019 (pdf, 436.8KB)
Submission to Good Clinical Practice inspection program (GCP), February 2019 (pdf, 56.1KB)
Submission to National Regional, Rural and Remote Education Strategy, February 2019 (pdf, 510.1KB)
Submission to a review of Freedom of Speech in higher education - December 2018 (pdf, 50KB)
Feedback on the Australian Labor Party's equity proposals - November 2018 (pdf, 121KB)
Submission to a discussion paper: Away from base futures – November 2018 (pdf, 548KB)
Submission to a discussion paper: Student equity 2030 - September 2018 (pdf, 161KB)
Submission to a review of the Indigenous student success program - August 2018 (pdf, 323KB)
Submission to the copyright modernisation consultations – July 2018 (pdf, 145KB)
Submission to the Independent Review of the Defence Trade Controls Act 2012 (Cth) - May 2018 (pdf, 73KB) and Supplementary in July 2018 (pdf, 152KB)
Submission to the City of Sydney's international education plan – April 2018 (pdf, 75KB)
Submission to the Business Council of Australia's Future-Proof discussion paper: Future-proof- Australia future post- secondary education and skills system – January and August 2018 (pdf, 388KB) and submission in resoponse to to BCA's final Future-Proof reform plan - August 2018 (pdf, 263KB)