The Master of Media Practice degree teaches the critical thinking and practical skills that contemporary media employers look for in graduates. It builds and nurtures each student’s capacity for professional excellence and leadership in digital media work. The curriculum combines core media units with diverse multi-disciplinary electives; the industry internship capstone unit offers an opportunity to gain valuable work experience before graduation. The four key areas of study are news writing, media law and ethics, international media practice, and social media communication.
Our pedagogy is student-centred and culturally inclusive. Teaching and learning activities integrate disciplinary knowledge acquisition with professional skills training. High-end computer labs and audio-visual equipment support development of the technical know-how needed for digital content creation across all platforms. Electives include audio design, interviewing, online journalism, podcasting, and video production.
Assessment tasks typically test conceptual media production skills and/or disciplinary expertise and understanding, using written, spoken and visual communication. Fresh, thoughtful student journalism is published online, via the Salience blog, providing compelling evidence of students’ wide-ranging interests and innovative, culturally competent, media-savvy, and socially inclusive media work.
At the master’s level, career readiness is offered for positions in multiplatform journalism, content editing, social media, podcasting and audio design, television and video production as well as freelancing. The graduate diploma and graduate certificate courses provide shorter avenues to explore new career directions or to update and extend your professional skills.
See also: Digital Communication and Cultures, Health Communication, Publishing, Strategic Public Relations.
Please refer to the course resolutions in this handbook for information on the specific admission requirements for different coursework award courses.
Candidates for the Master of Media Practice are required to complete 72 credit points including:
Candidates for the Graduate Diploma in Media Practice are required to complete 48 credit points including:
Candidates for the Graduate Certificate in Media Practice are required to complete 24 credit points including:
Candidates who have completed previous study in a relevant discipline may be eligible for a reduction in the requirements in accordance with the table below.
Level of prior learning | Full-time duration | Credit points to complete |
AQF Level 7 eg. a bachelor's degree in the Humanities, Social Sciences or Law | 1.5 years | 72 |
Relevant professional experience equivalent to a Graduate Certificate | 1 year | 48 |
AQF Level 8 eg. Honours in a relevant discipline | 1 year | 48 |
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