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Bachelor of Arts/ Doctor of Medicine

Unit of study table

This page was first published on 15 November 2023 and was last amended on 31 January 2024.
View details of the changes below.

Medicine Foundational Knowledge Units

Students in the Bachelor of Arts/Doctor of Medicine
Must complete 18 credit points of foundational knowledge units of study as listed below:
(a) 6 credit points of 1000-level units
(b) 12 credit points of 2000-level units according to the following rules:
(i) 6 credit points of PHSI2X07 or MEDS2001; and
(ii) 6 credit points of ANAT2011 or MEDS2005
(c) one zero credit point unit
Unit of study Credit points A: Assumed knowledge P: Prerequisites
C: Corequisites N: Prohibition

1000-level units of study

Complete one of the following units:
From Molecules to Ecosystems
6 A HSC Biology. Students who have not completed HSC Biology (or equivalent) are strongly advised to take the Biology Bridging Course (offered in February)
N BIOL1907 or BIOL1997
From Molecules to Ecosystems (Advanced)
6 A 85 or above in HSC Biology or equivalent
N BIOL1007 or BIOL1997
From Molecules to Ecosystems (SSP)
6 A 90 or above in HSC Biology or equivalent
N BIOL1007 or BIOL1907

2000-level units of study

Key Concepts in Physiology
6 A Human biology (BIOL1XX8 or BIOL1XX3 or MEDS1X01)
P 6cp from [(BIOL1XX7 or MBLG1XX1) or (MEDS1X01 or BIOL1XX8 or BIOL1XX3) or CHEM1XX1 or CHEM1903]
N PHSI2907 or PHSI2007
Key Concepts in Physiology
6 A Human biology (BIOL1XX8 or BIOL1XX3 or MEDS1X01)
P 6cp from [(MEDS1X01 or BIOL1XX8 or BIOL1XX3) or (BIOL1XX7 or MBLG1XX1) or CHEM1XX1 or CHEM1903]
N PHSI2907 or MEDS2001
Key Concepts in Physiology (Advanced)
6 A Human biology (BIOL1XX8 or BIOL1XX3 or MEDS1X01)
P A WAM of 70 and a mark of 70 or above in {6cp from [(MEDS1X01 or BIOL1XX8 or BIOL1XX3) or (BIOL1XX7 or MBLG1XX1) or CHEM1XX1 or CHEM1903]}
N PHSI2007 or MEDS2001
Anatomy and Histology of Core Body Functions
6 P BIOL1008 or BIOL1908 or BIOL1998
N MEDS2005 or BMED2402 or BMED2403 or BMED2405 or BMED2406 or BMED2801 or BMED2802 or BMED2803 or BMED2804 or BMED2805 or BMED2806 or BMED2807 or BMED2808
Students in the Medical Science stream should not enrol in this unit, they should instead enrol in MEDS2005
Human Anatomy and Histology

P 6 cp from (BIOL1003 or BIOL1903 or BIOL1993 or BIOL1008 or BIOL1908 or BIOL1998 or MEDS1001 or MEDS1901)
N ANAT2011 or BMED2402 or BMED2403 or BMED2405 or BMED2406 or BMED2801 or BMED2802 or BMED2803 or BMED2804 or BMED2805 or BMED2806 or BMED2807 or BMED2808

Zero credit point unit of study

Observational Elective
0 P 96 credit points

Post-publication amendments

Original publication
Post-publication amendment
29/11/2023 ANAT2011 title published as:
Fundamentals of Human Anatomy
ANAT2011 title amended to:
Anatomy and Histology of Core Body Functions
31/01/2024 No assumed knowledge (A) for PHSI2907. Assumed knowledge (A) for PHSI2907 added:
A Human biology (BIOL1XX8 or BIOL1XX3 or MEDS1X01)
31/01/2024 No prerequisites (P) for PHSI2907. Prerequisites (P) for PHSI2907 added:
P A WAM of 70 and a mark of 70 or above in {6cp from [(MEDS1X01 or BIOL1XX8 or BIOL1XX3) or (BIOL1XX7 or MBLG1XX1) or CHEM1XX1 or CHEM1903]}
31/01/2024 No prohibitions (N) for PHSI2907. Prohibitions (N) for PHSI2907 added:
N PHSI2007 or MEDS2001
31/01/2024 No prerequisites (P) published for ANAT2011. Prerequisites (P) for ANAT2011 added:
P BIOL1007 or BIOL1907 or BIOL1997
6/09/2024 Prerequisites (P) for ANAT2011 published as:
BIOL1007 or BIOL1907 or BIOL1997.
Prerequisites (P) for ANAT2011 amended to:
BIOL1008 or BIOL1908 or BIOL1998