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Theatre and Performance Studies

About the major

In Theatre and Performance Studies we look at a broad range of aesthetic, social and everyday performances: from theatre, dance and ‘live art’, to the performative dimensions of politics, sport and popular culture. As a Theatre and Performance Studies major you will explore a range of different approaches to performance making, devise short works, and engage with professional artists-in-residence. While this program does not provide vocational training, it functions as a window onto professional practice. As well as developing practical skills in workshops, you will attend a wide variety of performances, learn how to document them, how to describe the way spaces and architecture are used, how bodies are moving, and how to build these observations into a detailed critical analysis.

Performance, as a conceptual lens, also provides a powerful way of interpreting many non-theatrical events, using both theoretical and critical approaches from a diversity of disciplines, including theatre and movement studies, anthropology, history, philosophy and sociology. A Theatre and Performance Studies major provides a strong theoretical basis for students who seek to later train as performers, directors, teachers, arts administrators, or those who wish to work in related areas of the arts and cultural practice.

Students are also encouraged to take optional elective 2000-level units offered by the Department (PRFM2603 Between Improvisation and Text, PRFM2605 Rehearsing Shakespeare) available from the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Electives list in Table S of the Interdisciplinary Handbook.

Requirements for completion

The Theatre and Performance Studies major and minor requirements are listed in the Theatre and Performance Studies unit of study table.

Advanced coursework

Requirements and units of study for advanced coursework can be found on the advanced coursework units of study page.


Our honours year brings theory and practice together. It involves specialised seminars, a research thesis on an individual topic and a detailed case study based on first-hand fieldwork. Honours students become a valued part of the department’s research culture.

Honours admission requirements

Admission to honours is via the Bachelor of Arts (Honours) and requires the completion of a major in Theatre and Performance Studies with an average of 70 percent or above.

Prior to commencing, you will need to ensure you have completed all other requirements of the Bachelor of Arts or other bachelor degree, including Open Learning Environment (OLE) units. For pre-July 2024 students, where undertaking Bachelor of Advanced Studies, a second major is also required.

Requirements and units of study for Honours can be found on the Theatre and Performance Studies honours units of study page.

Contacts and further information

Contact details can be found on these websites: