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Master of Taxation

Unit of study table

This page was first published on 15 November 2023 and was last amended on 27 March 2024.
View details of the changes below.

Not all units of study listed are offered in a given year. Please refer to the latest Sydney Law School Class timetable.

Master of Taxation

For the award of the Master of Taxation, students must complete 48 credit points from the following list.

Graduate Diploma of Taxation

For the award of the Graduate Diploma in Taxation, students must complete 24 credit points from the following list.
Unit of study Credit points A: Assumed knowledge P: Prerequisites
C: Corequisites N: Prohibition
Corporate Taxation
6 A It is assumed that students undertaking this unit have an understanding of Australian income taxation law commensurate with that which would be obtained from completing undergraduate study in Australian taxation law or five years working with Australian tax law in a law or accounting practice in an industry role or in the Australian Taxation Office. For students who do not have such knowledge or work experience they first should undertake LAWS6825 Introduction to Australian Business Tax before enrolling in this unit. The completion of other foundation units such as LAWS6840 Taxation of Business and Investment Income A and LAWS6841 Taxation of Business and Investment Income B will provide students without such knowledge or work experience; with additional knowledge and skills that will assist in successfully completing this unit.
Academic Profile: The unit is also available on a Continuing Professional Development basis
Chinese International Taxation

6 A It is assumed that students undertaking this unit have successfully completed an undergraduate/postgraduate unit of study in tax law
Academic Profile The unit is also available on a Continuing Professional Development basis
Tax Litigation

6 A It is assumed that students undertaking this unit have an understanding of Australian income taxation law commensurate with that which would be obtained from completing undergraduate study in Australian taxation law or five years working with Australian tax law in a law or accounting practice in an industry role or in the Australian Taxation Office For students who do not have such knowledge or work experience they first should undertake LAWS6825 Introduction to Australian Business Tax before enrolling in this unit
Academic Profile The unit is also available on a Continuing Professional Development basis
UK International Taxation
6 A It is assumed that students undertaking this unit have successfully completed an undergraduate/postgraduate unit of study in tax law
Academic Profile The unit is also available on a Continuing Professional Development basis
Law of Tax Administration


6 A It is assumed that students undertaking this unit have an understanding of Australian income taxation law commensurate with that which would be obtained from completing undergraduate study in Australian taxation law or five years working with Australian tax law in a law or accounting practice in an industry role or in the Australian Taxation Office. For students who do not have such knowledge or work experience they first should undertake LAWS6825 Introduction to Australian Business Tax before enrolling in this unit.
Taxation of Partnerships and Trusts
6 A It is assumed that students undertaking this unit have an understanding of Australian income taxation law commensurate with that which would be obtained from completing undergraduate study in Australian taxation law or five years working with Australian tax law in a law or accounting practice in an industry role or in the Australian Taxation Office. For students who do not have such knowledge or work experience they first should undertake LAWS6825 Introduction to Australian Business Tax before enrolling in this unit.
Academic Profile The unit is also available on a Continuing Professional Development basis
Transfer Pricing in International Tax
6 A It is assumed that students undertaking this unit have an understanding of Australian income taxation law commensurate with that which would be obtained from completing undergraduate study in Australian taxation law or five years working with Australian tax law in a law or accounting practice in an industry role or in the Australian Taxation Office. For students who do not have such knowledge or work experience they first should undertake LAWS6825 Introduction to Australian Business Tax before enrolling in this unit. The completion of LAWS6209 Australian International Taxation will provide students; without such knowledge or work experience; with additional knowledge and skills that will assist in successfully completing this unit.
Academic Profile: The unit is also available on a Continuing Professional Development basis
Taxation of Corporate Finance

6 A It is assumed that students undertaking this unit have an understanding of Australian income taxation law commensurate with that which would be obtained from completing undergraduate study in Australian taxation law or five years working with Australian tax law in a law or accounting practice in an industry role or in the Australian Taxation Office. For students who do not have such knowledge or work experience they first should undertake LAWS6825 Introduction to Australian Business Tax and LAWS6030 Corporate Taxation before enrolling in this unit.
Academic Profile The unit is also available on a Continuing Professional Development basis
Taxation and Regulation of Superannuation
A It is assumed that students undertaking this unit already have some understanding of Australian financial regulatory law, trust law and income tax law gained either from recent undergraduate study or from practical experience gained in a law or accounting practice, in industry or in the Australian Taxation Office
Academic Profile: The unit is also available on a Continuing Professional Development basis
Comparative International Taxation
6 A It is assumed that students undertaking this unit have successfully completed an undergraduate/postgraduate unit of study in tax law
Academic Profile: The unit is also available on a Continuing Professional Development basis
Taxation of Offshore Operations

6 A It is assumed that students undertaking this unit have an understanding of Australian income taxation law commensurate with that which would be obtained from completing undergraduate study in Australian taxation law or five years working with Australian tax law in a law or accounting practice in an industry role or in the Australian Taxation Office For students who do not have such knowledge or work experience they first should undertake LAWS6825 Introduction to Australian Business Tax before enrolling in this unit The Completion of LAWS6209 Australian International Taxation will provide students without such knowledge or work experience with additional knowledge and skills that will assists in successfully completing this unit
Academic Profile The unit is also available on a Continuing Professional Development basis
Comparative Corporate Taxation
6 A It is assumed that students undertaking this unit have successfully completed an undergraduate/postgraduate unit of study in tax law
Academic Profile: The unit is also available on a Continuing Professional Development basis
Capital Gains Tax


6 A It is assumed that students undertaking this unit have an understanding of Australian income taxation law commensurate with that which would be obtained from completing undergraduate study in Australian taxation law or five years working with Australian tax law in a law or accounting practice in an industry role or in the Australian Taxation Office. For students who do not have such knowledge or work experience they first should undertake LAWS6825 Introduction to Australian Business Tax before enrolling in this unit
Tax Treaties
6 A It is assumed that students undertaking this unit have an understanding of Australian income taxation law commensurate with that which would be obtained from completing undergraduate study in Australian taxation law or five years working with Australian tax law in a law or accounting practice in an industry role or in the Australian Taxation Office. For students who do not have such knowledge or work experience they first should undertake LAWS6825 Introduction to Australian Business Tax before enrolling in this unit. The completion of LAWS6209 Australian International Taxation will provide students without such knowledge or work experience with additional knowledge and skills that will assist in successfully completing this unit
Academic Profile: The unit is also available on a Continuing Professional Development basis
Australian International Taxation
6 A It is assumed that students undertaking this unit have an understanding of Australian income taxation law commensurate with that which would be obtained from completing undergraduate study in Australian taxation law or five years working with It is assumed that students undertaking this unit have an understanding of Australian income taxation law commensurate with that which would be obtained from completing undergraduate study in Australian taxation law or five years working with Australian tax law in a law or accounting practice in an industry role or in the Australian Taxation Office. For students who do not have such knowledge or work experience they first should undertake LAWS6825 Introduction to Australian Business Tax before enrolling in this unit. The completion of other foundation units such as LAWS6840 Taxation of Business and Investment Income A and LAWS6841 Taxation of Business and Investment Income B will provide students; without such knowledge or work.
Academic Profile The unit is also available on a Continuing Professional Development basis
Goods and Services Tax Principles A
6 A It is assumed that students undertaking specified tax units have an understanding of Australian income taxation law commensurate with that, which would be obtained from completing undergraduate study in Australian taxation law or five years working with Australian taxation law in a law or accounting practice, in an industry role, or in the Australian Taxation Office. Students who do not have such knowledge or work experience should undertake LAWS6825 Introduction to Australian Business Taxation before enrolling in other units.
Taxation of Corporate Groups
A It is assumed that students undertaking this unit have an understanding of Australian income taxation law commensurate with that which would be obtained from completing undergraduate study in Australian taxation law or five years working with Australian tax law in a law or accounting practice in an industry role or in the Australian Taxation Office. For students who do not have such knowledge or work experience they first should undertake LAWS6825 Introduction to Australian Business Tax before enrolling in this unit
Academic Profile: The unit is also available on a Continuing Professional Development basis
Public Policy
6 N LAWS6139 or LAWS6042 or LAWS6113 or LAWS6984 or LAWS3447 or LAWS5147
Core unit for MALP students. Academic Profile: The unit is also available on a Continuing Professional Development basis
Not-for-Profits, Philanthropy, and the Law


Interpretation of Statutes and Other Texts
Introduction to Australian Business Tax

A It is assumed that students undertaking specified tax units have an understanding of Australian income taxation law commensurate with that, which would be obtained from completing undergraduate study in Australian taxation law or five years working with Australian taxation law in a law or accounting practice, in an industry role, or in the Australian Taxation Office. Students who do not have such knowledge or work experience should undertake LAWS6825 Introduction to Australian Business Taxation before enrolling in other units.

Academic Profile: The unit is also available on a Continuing Professional Development basis

Tax of Business and Investment Income A
6 A It is assumed that students undertaking this unit have an understanding of Australian income taxation law commensurate with that which would be obtained from completing undergraduate study in Australian taxation law or five years working with Australian tax law in a law or accounting practice in an industry role or in the Australian Taxation Office. For students who do not have such knowledge or work experience they first should undertake LAWS6825 Introduction to Australian Business Tax before enrolling in this unit.
Academic Profile: The unit is also available on a Continuing Professional Development basis
Tax of Business and Investment Income B
6 A It is assumed that students undertaking this unit have an understanding of Australian income taxation law commensurate with that which would be obtained from completing undergraduate study in Australian taxation law or five years working with Australian tax law in a law or accounting practice in an industry role or in the Australian Taxation Office. For students who do not have such knowledge or work experience they first should undertake LAWS6825 Introduction to Australian Business Tax before enrolling in this unit.
Academic Profile: The unit is also available on a Continuing Professional Development basis
Taxation of Mergers and Acquisitions
6 A It is assumed that students undertaking this unit have an understanding of Australian income taxation law commensurate with that which would be obtained from completing undergraduate study in Australian taxation law or five years working with Australian tax law in a law or accounting practice in an industry role or in the Australian Taxation Office. For students who do not have such knowledge or work experience they first should undertake LAWS6825 Introduction to Australian Business Tax before enrolling in this unit
C LAWS6030
Tax Treaties Special Issues
6 A As this is an advanced unit, it is assumed that students undertaking this unit have successfully completed LAWS6177 Tax Treaties
Academic Profile: The unit is also available on a Continuing Professional Development basis
Law of Asset Protection
6 Academic Profile: The unit is also available on a Continuing Professional Development basis
Tax Avoidance and Anti-Avoidance
6 A It is assumed that students undertaking this unit have an understanding of Australian income taxation law commensurate with that which would be obtained from completing undergraduate study in Australian taxation law or five years working with Australian tax law in a law or accounting practice in an industry role or in the Australian Taxation Office. For students who do not have such knowledge or work experience they first should undertake LAWS6825 Introduction to Australian Business Tax before enrolling in this unit.
Academic Profile: The unit is also available on a Continuing Professional Development basis
Economics of Tax Policy
6 N LAWS6257 or LAWS3447 or LAWS5147
Academic Profile: The unit is also available on a Continuing Professional Development basis

Master of Taxation

The following units are available to Master of Taxation students only
Independent Research Project
6 Applications close on 30 November (Semester 1) and 30 May (Semester 2). Applications should only be lodged after the completion of at least 24 credit points. Late applications may be accepted from those with incomplete results. For further information, please visit the Law Student Portal or E:
Independent Research Project A
6 Applications close on 30 November (Semester 1) and 30 May (Semester 2). Applications should only be lodged after the completion of at least 24 credit points. Late applications may be accepted from those with incomplete results. Students must complete both LAWS6182 and LAWS6183 within one or over two semesters. For further information, please visit the Law Student Portal or E:
Independent Research Project B
6 C LAWS6182
Applications close on 30 November (Semester 1) and 30 May (Semester 2). Applications should only be lodged after the completion of at least 24 credit points. Late applications may be accepted from those with incomplete results. Students must complete both LAWS6182 and LAWS6183 within one or over two semesters. For further information, please visit the Law Student Portal or E:

Post-publication amendments

Original publication
Post-publication amendment
28/11/2023 No Co-requisites (C) for LAWS6183 Co-requisites (C) for LAWS6183 added:
28/11/2023 Assumed knowledge (A) for LAWS6183 published as:
A LAWS6182
Assumed knowledge (A) removed
27/03/2024 No assumed knowledge (A) for LAWS6825 Assumed knowledge (A) for LAWS6825 added:
A It is assumed that students undertaking specified tax units have an understanding of Australian income taxation law commensurate with that, which would be obtained from completing undergraduate study in Australian taxation law or five years working with Australian taxation law in a law or accounting practice, in an industry role, or in the Australian Taxation Office. Students who do not have such knowledge or work experience should undertake LAWS6825 Introduction to Australian Business Taxation before enrolling in other units.