Developing solutions to improve the physical, social and mental wellbeing of older people living at home. Our research spans aged care treatment, policy improvement, education for health professionals, and rehabilitation programs in the community.
Our vision is for Australia's ageing population to have access to evidence-based sustainable health and aged care that supports them to live at home with dignity and as much independence as possible.
We study with experts in various fields to answer fundamental questions about ageing – how can we ensure our ageing population can feel safe, healthy and independent while living at home? How can we ensure active ageing through community engagement and a sense of purpose and meaningful activities?
Our Active Ageing projects include four initial thematic areas:
The Active Ageing project node will research and translate into practice ways of supporting older people to live well. This will include programs that provide physical, psychological and rehabilitative treatments directly with older people, train health and aged care professionals who work with older people, and improve the health and aged care systems.
Implementation and Translation Symposium
Policy influence
Reframing Ageing program of research