Our work identifies and understands the incidence, prevalence and history of kidney disease at a population level so we can find solutions and treatments.
We use a multidisciplinary approach to broaden our scope. Engaging with clinicians, patients, community, and government, we access existing detailed data on diet and lifestyle to examine its impact on kidney disease and mortality.
In collaboration with Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, we aim to identify and understand the incidence, prevalence and history of kidney disease at a population level. Through this work, we seek to find solutions and treatments for kidney disease including:
We’re also investigating the role of innate immunity kidney disease and transplantation.
Our work is expanding on data collected through the AusDiab study. This is the only nationally representative, longitudinal study of chronic kidney disease, diabetes, lifestyle behaviours, and metabolic health. We’re also conducting innovative clinical trials and using the ANZDATA registry to assess the impact of changes in organ allocation protocols. Through this work we seek to develop new guidelines and implement our research into practice and policy.
Combining medical and lifestyle interventions to combat metabolic syndrome in patients with chronic kidney disease and following a transplant, where diabetes and obesity are major problems.
Understanding the links between diet, the microbiota and immune function in the setting of kidney transplantation and diabetic kidney disease using mouse models. By collaborating with experts in microbiota and diet, we’re exploring their impact on innate immune responses, the development of kidney disease and transplant tolerance.
Understanding the impact of chronic kidney disease on other diseases, as well as the impact of treatments for kidney disease on other diseases.