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Software Engineering stream

Intelligent Information Engineering specialisation

Intelligent Information Engineering specialisation

Students in the Software stream must complete 30 credit points to achieve this specialisation.
Unit of study Credit points A: Assumed knowledge P: Prerequisites
C: Corequisites N: Prohibition
Students complete 24 credit points from the following:
Communications Networks
6 A Students should be familiar with fundamental digital technologies and representations (e.g., bit complement and internal word representation), have a basic understanding of the physical properties of communication channels, techniques and limitations, and be able to apply fundamental mathematical skills.
Intelligent Visual Signal Understanding
6 A Mathematics (e.g. probability and linear algebra) and programming skills (e.g. Matlab/Java/Python/C++)
Advanced Signal Processing with Deep Learning
6 A Mathematics (e.g., probability and linear algebra) and programming skills (e.g. Matlab/Java/Python/C++)
Signals, Software and Health
6 A Mathematics (linear algebra and probabilities) and basic programming skills (python/matlab/C++/java)
Students complete 6 credit points from the following:
Digital Signal Processing
6 A Familiarity with basic Algebra, Differential and Integral Calculus, continuous linear time-invariant systems and their time and frequency domain representations, Fourier transform, sampling of continuous time signals
Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing
6 A (ELEC2302 or ELEC9302) and (ELEC3305 or ELEC9305). Linear algebra, fundamental concepts of signals and systems as covered in ELEC2302/ELEC9302, fundamental concepts of digital signal processing as covered in ELEC3305/9305. It would be unwise to attempt this unit without the assumed knowledge- if you are not sure, please contact the instructor
Video Intelligence and Compression
6 A Basic understanding of digital signal processing (filtering, DFT) and programming skills (e.g. Matlab/Java/Python/C++)
Intelligent Information Engineering Practice
6 A Students must have a good understanding of Linear algebra and basic mathematics, Basic Programming skills in C, Python or Matlab
Electrical and Optical Sensor Design
6 A Math Ext 1, fundamental concepts of signal and systems, fundamental electrical circuit theory and analysis
Software Defined Networks
6 A ELEC3506 or ELEC9506
Technology Venture Creation
6 N ENGG5102
Units taken for the specialisation will also count toward requirements of the Software stream.