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About the major

The Music major has a distinguished record of music scholarship, composition and teaching, producing many of Australia’s leading music professionals. Its aim is to enrich Australia through a unique multicultural music education, broadly based in studies of society, culture and performance.

The curriculum for the major in Music allows students to study Composition, Musicology, Popular Music, Music and Media, and Performance in ways that are broadly integrated with one another across the curriculum as well as within individual units of study. Students can pursue projects in which their music practice can be integrated with the study of other Table A or Table S majors. The major offers a variety of pathways to a vast array of rewarding careers such as composing, arranging, and performing music for theatre, concert, film, and media, writing about music as a journalist, commentator, critic, or media professional, or arts administration, including curating, marketing, festival and venue management.

Requirements for completion

The Music major and minor requirements are listed in the Music unit of study table.

Contacts and further information

Associate Professor Charles Fairchild

Website: Study music