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Study in the Discipline of Physiology, School of Medical Sciences, is offered by the Faculty of Medicine and Health. The discipline of physiology is the focus of teaching and research in the physiological sciences at the University of Sydney. Units of study in this major are available at standard and advanced level.

About the major

Physiology is the study of how the human body works and is a core discipline area in medical and life sciences. Physiology plays the central role in the medical sciences, integrating from the molecular and cellular levels through to the whole tissue and organs to understand whole body function. The study of physiology combines the use of examples of common body dysfunctions to enable a broader understanding of both the normal and abnormal functioning of the human body. A major in physiology will give students a thorough understanding of how the body works and the generic skills of data analysis, interpretation and communication they need. These skills may enable physiology graduates to pursue a range of careers in, for example, medicine, allied health, research, and biomedical engineering.

Requirements for completion

The physiology major and minor requirements are listed in the Physiology unit of study table.

Contact and further information

School of Medical Sciences
University of Sydney NSW 2006

Associate Professor Anna Waterhouse
T +61 2 8627 5648

Dr Jeremy Pinyon

Learning outcomes

Students who graduate from Physiology will be able to:

No. Learning outcomes
1 Exhibit a deep and integrated knowledge of physiological principles and concepts and their role in the workings of the major systems of the human body.
2 Exhibit a broad and coherent body of knowledge of the methods used in the physiological sciences and explain why current disciplinary knowledge is both contestable and testable by further inquiry.
3 Select and apply practical and theoretical techniques and tools to carry out physiological investigations.
4 Source, collate, synthesise and critically evaluate information in physiology from a range of relevant sources.
5 Integrate understanding from other disciplines including physics, chemistry, mathematics and other biomedical sciences into a coherent body of physiological knowledge.
6 Communicate concepts and findings in physiology and their implications through a range of modes for a variety of purposes, using evidence-based arguments that are robust to critique.
7 Evaluate the role and relevance of physiological research findings to society, including the translation to health outcomes across a range of social and cultural contexts.
8 Define a problem, formulate a hypothesis and plan an investigation in physiology.
9 Develop creative and innovative approaches to problem solving in the field of physiological research and work effectively, responsibly and safely in individual and collaborative contexts.
10 Address authentic problems in physiology, working professionally, responsibly and ethically within collaborative, interdisciplinary teams.