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Sexual misconduct

They are also able to assist you with access to appropriate support services, including security, counselling and health services, and on-campus emergency accommodation.
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Sexual assault help and support

It is available 8.30am–5.30pm, Monday to Friday. Outside business hours contact Campus Security on 61 2 9351 3333 (available 24/7) to access emergency accommodation. ... You can also access help with emergency accommodation through your student
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Choosing the right option for you

We recommend researching widely, and then creating a shortlist of partners that suit your degree based on your interest in a particular country or region, accommodation and lifestyle options or scholarships
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Transcripts and academic records

For example, visa applications, government departments, insurance and financial institutions, employers, scholarships, jury duty, accommodation and student discounts.
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Architecture Design Modelling and Fabrication (DMAF) consumables. laundry services in Queen Mary, Abercrombie and Regiment student accommodation.
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Transition to Sydney

Make sure you plan your arrival, including knowing how to get from the airport to your accommodation, as well as set yourself up with essentials like a SIM card for your
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Release for student visa holders

If you are not being cared for in Australia by a parent or suitable nominated relative, your new education provider must confirm it will accept responsibility for approving your accommodation, support
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Government HELP loans

OS-HELP: assists eligible students enrolled in a Commonwealth Supported Place who want to undertake some of their study overseas, to cover a range of expenses such as airfares, accommodation and
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Help and support

If there is a malfunction with the laundry machine or card reader, contact front-desk staff at your student accommodation.