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Domestic full fee paying

All domestic postgraduate courses at the University are offered as full fee paying. ... Some postgraduate courses also offer Commonwealth supported places for domestic students, most are offered as full fee paying.
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HDR internship opportunities

Overview. The University of Sydney has partnered with Australian Postgraduate Research Intern (APR.Intern) to connect both domestic and international HDR students with industry partners through a paid 3–6 month ... If eligible:. international students
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Interest-free loans

an undergraduate or postgraduate student enrolled at the University of Sydney. ... a domestic or international student. in need of assistance with essential living and study expenses.
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Higher degree by research

The Research Training Program (RTP) Scholarships are provided by the Australian government to support both domestic and international students undertaking postgraduate research degrees. ... For international students, if you were offered a place under
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What happens next

Examiners must be of international standing in the research topic of the thesis. ... If there are any substantial delays in your examination, we will advise your supervisor and postgraduate coordinator.
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Eligibility. The International Sponsorships team can approve access to SAS in the following situations. ... Assistance can only be provided where you have exhausted all free academic support available at the University, such as the Postgraduate Research
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Experience in Industry

Master of International Business. You will also need to:. have completed a minimum of 24 credit points before you begin the program. ... BWIL2150 for undergraduate students. BWIL6150 for postgraduate students. Once you are enrolled, the WIL Hub
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Research supervision

In addition, you can escalate these concerns to a postgraduate coordinator or an associate dean. ... You can also seek advice and support from the Sydney University Postgraduate Representative Association (SUPRA), the Student Counselling Service or
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Your course components

If you are a postgraduate coursework student, it is called your specialisation. ... A full-time study load is 18 to 24 credit points per semester for domestic students and 24 credit points for international students.
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Resources and support networks

General bursaries are available to domestic undergraduate and postgraduate students. If you are an international student, you may be eligible if you’ve experienced extenuating circumstances. ... Sydney University Postgraduate Representative Association