
23 April 2020

Global soil library will help us better know the living skin of planet Earth

A global initiative led by the UN's Food and Agriculture Organization has this week launched the Soil Spectral Calibration Library. The University is a founding member of the project.
22 April 2020

Survey shows use of medicinal cannabis for inflammatory bowel disease

A quarter of Australians with inflammatory bowel disease report medicinal cannabis eases their symptoms, according to a new survey from the Lambert Initiative for Cannabinoid Therapeutics.
22 April 2020

Egg-laying lizard also gives live birth. Is this evolution before our eyes?

Only a handful of vertebrates have evolved to lay eggs and also give live birth. The Australian three-toed skink may be in the process of transitioning from egg-laying to giving live birth.
16 April 2020

Statement from Prof Edward Holmes on the SARS-CoV-2 virus

Unfounded speculation on the origins of the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19 has prompted the following statement from Professor Holmes, who was involved in mapping the genome of the virus.
15 April 2020

Sydney researchers develop NSW COVID-19 hotspot database

By pinpointing COVID-19 cases by postcode and socio-economic status, the researchers hope to enable the government to easily identify areas at risk of greater community transmission, as well as relax quarantine measures on a postcode-by-postcode basis.
14 April 2020

Estuaries are warming at twice the rate of oceans and atmosphere

Data taken over 12 years from rivers, lakes, lagoons and creeks along the entire coast of New South Wales show an increase in temperature and acidity, raising concerns for biodiversity and aquaculture.
14 April 2020

US COVID-19 deaths "poorly predicted" by IHME model

An international group of data scientists led by the University of Sydney's Centre for Translational Data Science has found that over 70 percent of US states had death rates that were inconsistent with IHME predictions.
09 April 2020

Sweet as: the science of how diet can change the way sugar tastes

The food animals eat can change how they perceive future food. This response uses the same machinery that the brain uses to learn, new research has found.
09 April 2020

COVID-19: Time is now to prepare for the next coronavirus outbreak

Professor Edward Holmes - who helped map the COVID-19 virus genome - issues a call to action to limit the impact of this coronavirus and prepare for any future outbreaks.
09 April 2020

How to make sure your dog doesn't get canine cabin fever

As coronavirus forces us to isolate, some pundits are suggesting now is the ideal time to bring a dog into your life. But our experts in the Sydney School of Veterinary Science say you need to think first before taking on a puppy.