
08 April 2020

Hidden army: how starfish could build up numbers to attack coral reefs

Research that shows juvenile starfish can lurk harmlessly for more than six years could force a rethink on the crown of thorns culling methods used to protect corals on the Great Barrier Reef.
06 April 2020

Citizen Science: how you can work on coronavirus research from your home

If you are at home keeping safe for the long haul, why not jump into a range of projects that help scientists with their research?
03 April 2020

Science students take the virtual stage for FameLab

Five Sydney science research students have made the NSW FameLab semi-finals, a science communication competition.
02 April 2020

'Tequila' powered biofuels more efficient than corn or sugar

The plant better known for making tequila requires no irrigation and produces comparable or better yields of ethanol than sugar or corn. Economic analysis shows a first-generation crop will need government support to kickstart an industry, researchers say.
01 April 2020

Foundational step towards a quantum internet

A team of quantum engineers has shown that atoms held in optical cavities - tiny boxes to hold light - could be foundational to the creation of a quantum internet. Their work is published this week in Nature.
30 March 2020

How to survive the pandemic with your kids at home

Professor Mark Dadds, director of the Sydney Child Behaviour Research Clinic, has some tips for staying sane and getting along during the extended lock down.
27 March 2020

Chris Russell Medal of Excellence Award

Chris Russell Medal of Excellence Award acknowledges the high quality of research conducted by final year students in all NSW universities and celebrates excellence in agricultural science.
27 March 2020

COVID-19: the genetic quest to understand the virus

Professor Edward Holmes is at the forefront of the scientific race to understand SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19 in humans. This week he has contributed to two important papers, one in Nature, the other in Cell.
23 March 2020

DNA riddle: how cells access data from 'genetic cotton reels'

Research has revealed the role played by motor protein CHD4 that allows the DNA to remodel when information is needed - and it will help us understand diseases connected to when that process goes wrong.
19 March 2020

First map shows global hotspots of glyphosate contamination

Glyphosate, or Roundup, is under scrutiny because of possible impacts on human health and ecosystems. University of Sydney experts present the world's first map detailing contamination hotspots of the controversial herbicide.