The Master of Education (Leadership in Aboriginal Education) prepares Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal teachers for leadership roles in schools and education systems.
Through studying Leadership in Aboriginal Education, you will develop the skills and knowledge to improve educational outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students, and learn how to identify and disrupt deficit discourses about Aboriginal peoples, cultures and histories by creating deep and real world cultural understandings through your students.
The degree is ideal for teachers with a lifelong commitment to social justice, equity, and culturally responsive approaches to curriculum, pedagogy, leadership and research.
Please refer to the course resolutions in this handbook for information on the specific admission requirements for different coursework award courses.
To qualify for the award of Master of Education (Leadership in Aboriginal Education) candidates must complete 48 credit points, including:
To qualify for the award of Graduate Diploma in Educational Studies (Leadership in Aboriginal Education) candidates must complete 36 credit points, including:
To qualify for the award of Graduate Certificate in Educational Studies (Leadership in Aboriginal Education) candidates must complete 24 credit points, including:
Assoc Prof Cathie Burgess
Phone: 02 9351 7002
Website: Sydney School of Education and Social Work