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Computational Data Science

Unit of study table

Computational Data Science major

Achievement of a major in Computational Data Science requires 48 credit points from this table including:
(i) 12 credit points of 1000-level core units
(ii) 18 credit points of 2000-level core units
(iii) 6 credit points of 3000-level core units
(iv) 12 credit points of 3000-level selective units

Computational Data Science minor

Achievement of a minor in Computational Data Science requires 36 credit points from this table including:
(i) 12 credit points of 1000-level core units.
(ii) 18 credit points of 2000-level core units.
(iii) 6 credit points of 3000-level selective units.
Unit of study
Credit points
A: Assumed knowledge P: Prerequisites
C: Corequisites N: Prohibition

1000-level units of study

Core units

Foundations of Data Science


A Year 10 mathematics or equivalent
N DATA1901 or MATH1005 or MATH1905 or MATH1015 or MATH1115 or ENVX1001 or ENVX1002 or ECMT1010 or BUSS1020 or STAT1021

Foundations of Data Science (Adv)


A Year 10 Mathematics or equivalent; An ATAR of 95 or more
N MATH1005 or MATH1905 or ECMT1010 or ENVX1001 or ENVX1002 or BUSS1020 or DATA1001 or MATH1115 or MATH1015 or STAT1021

Introduction to Programming


N INFO1910 or INFO1103 or INFO1903 or INFO1105 or INFO1905 or ENGG1810

Introduction to Programming (Advanced)


A ATAR sufficient to enter Dalyell program, or passing an online programming knowledge test, which will be administered during the O-week prior to the commencement of the semester
N INFO1110 or INFO1103 or INFO1903 or INFO1105 or INFO1905 or ENGG1810

2000-level units of study

Core units

Data Structures and Algorithms


A Discrete mathematics and probability (e.g. MATH1064 or equivalent)
P INFO1110 or INFO1910 or INFO1113 or DATA1002 or DATA1902 or ENGG1810
N INFO1105 or INFO1905 or COMP2823

Data Structures and Algorithms (Adv)


A Discrete mathematics and probability (e.g. MATH1064 or equivalent)
P Distinction level results in (INFO1110 or INFO1910 or INFO1113 or DATA1002 or DATA1902 or ENGG1810)
N INFO1105 or INFO1905 or COMP2123

Data Science, Big Data and Data Variety


P DATA1002 or DATA1902 or INFO1110 or INFO1910 or INFO1903 or INFO1103 or ENGG1810
N DATA2901

Big Data and Data Diversity (Advanced)


P 75% or above from (DATA1002 or DATA1902 or INFO1110 or INFO1910 or INFO1903 or INFO1103 or ENGG1810)
N DATA2001

Data Analytics: Learning from Data


A Successful completion of a first-year or second-year unit in statistics or data science including a substantial coding component. The content from STAT2X11 will help but is not considered essential. Students who are not comfortable using the R software for statistical analysis should familiarise themselves before attempting the unit, e.g. taking OLET1632: Shark Bites and Other Data Stories
P DATA1X01 or ENVX1002 or BUSS1020 or ECMT1010 or MATH1062 or MATH1962 or MATH1972 or [MATH1X05 and (MATH1001 or MATH1002 or MATH1003 or MATH1004 or MATH1021 or MATH1023 or MATH1115 or MATH19XX)]
N STAT2012 or STAT2912 or DATA2902

Data Analytics: Learning from Data (Adv)


A Successful completion of a first-year or second-year unit in statistics or data science including a substantial coding component. The content from STAT2X11 will help but is not considered essential. Students who are not comfortable using the R software for statistical analysis should familiarise themselves before attempting the unit, e.g. taking OLET1632: Shark Bites and Other Data Stories
P A mark of 65 or greater in (DATA1X01 or ENVX1002 or BUSS1020 or ECMT1010 or MATH1062 or MATH1962 or MATH1972 or [MATH1X05 and (MATH1001 or MATH1002 or MATH1003 or MATH1004 or MATH1021 or MATH1023 or MATH1115 or MATH19XX)])
N STAT2012 or STAT2912 or DATA2002

3000-level units of study

Core units

Data Science Capstone


P DATA2001 or DATA2901 or DATA2002 or DATA2902 or STAT2912 or STAT2012

Selective units

Algorithm Design


A Discrete mathematics and probability (e.g. MATH1064 or equivalent)
P COMP2123 or COMP2823
N COMP2007 or COMP2907 or COMP3927

Algorithm Design (Adv)


A Discrete mathematics and probability (e.g. MATH1064 or equivalent)
P Distinction level results in COMP2123 or COMP2823
N COMP2007 or COMP2907 or COMP3027

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence


A Data structures and algorithms as covered in COMP2123 or COMP2823.
P INFO1110 or INFO1910 or ENGG1801 or ENGG1810 or DATA1002 or DATA1902
N COMP3608

Discrete Optimization


P COMP2123 or COMP2823 or COMP2007 or COMP2907

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (Adv)


A Data structures and algorithms as covered in COMP2123 or COMP2823.
P (INFO1110 or INFO1910 or ENGG1810 or DATA1002 or DATA1902) and distinction-level results in at least one 2000-level COMP or MATH or SOFT unit
N COMP3308
COMP3308 and COMP3608 share the same lectures, but have different tutorials and assessment (the same type but more challenging).

Scalable Data Management


A This unit of study assumes that students have previous knowledge of database structures and of SQL. The prerequisite material is covered in DATA2001 or ISYS2120. Familiarity with a programming language (e.g. Java or C) is also expected
P DATA2001 or DATA2901 or ISYS2120 or INFO2120 or INFO2820
N INFO3504 or INFO3404

Human-in-the-Loop Data Analytics


A Basic statistics, database management, and programming
P (DATA2001 or DATA2901) and (DATA2002 or DATA2902)