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Biomedical Engineering stream

Biocomputation specialisation

This page was first published on 14 November 2024 and was last amended on 4 February 2025.
View details of the changes below.

Biocomputation specialisation

Students in the Biomedical stream must complete 30 credit points to achieve this specialisation.
Unit of study Credit points A: Assumed knowledge P: Prerequisites
C: Corequisites N: Prohibition
Students complete 30 credit points from the following:
AI, Data, and Society in Health


A Familiarity with general mathematical and statistical concepts. Online learning modules will be provided to support obtaining this knowledge
N BMET9925
Biological Digital Signal Analysis


N BMET9997
P (ENGG1810 or INFO1110 or INFO1910) and BMET2922
Introduction to Biomechatronics
6 N AMME4790 or AMME5790
P (MECH3921 or BMET3921) or MTRX3700 or MTRX3760 or (AMME5921 or BMET5921 or BMET9921)
A Knowledge in mechanical and electronic engineering; adequate maths and applied maths skills; background knowledge of physics, chemistry and biology; Some programming capability: MATLAB, C, C++, software tools used by engineers including CAD and EDA packages
Biomedical Image Analysis


A An understanding of biology (1000-level), experience with programming (ENGG1801, ENGG1810, BMET2922 or BMET9922)
Biomedical Machine Learning


A (BMET2960 and ENGG1810 and BMET2922) or equivalent study
Advanced Bionics


A (ELEC1103 or ELEC2100 or BMET2902) and (BMET2922 or BMET9922)
N AMME5995 or AMME5951 or BMET5951
Biomedical Technology Software
6 A (BMET2922 or BMET9922) and (BMET3660 or BMET9660)
Units taken for the specialisation will also count toward requirements of the Biomedical stream.
Original publication
Post-publication amendment
4/02/2025 Prerequisites (P) for BMET3997 published as:
P ENGG1810 and BMET2922
Prerequisites (P) for BMET3997 amended to:
P (ENGG1810 or INFO1110 or INFO1910) and BMET2922