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Biomedical Engineering stream

Bionics and Bioelectronics specialisation

This page was first published on 14 November 2024 and was last amended on 4 February 2025.
View details of the changes below.

Bionics and Bioelectronics specialisation

Students in the Biomedical stream must complete 30 credit points to achieve this specialisation.
Unit of study Credit points A: Assumed knowledge P: Prerequisites
C: Corequisites N: Prohibition
Students must complete 18 credit points from the following:
Biomedical Instrumentation
6 A A knowledge of basic anatomy and physiology and electrical circuits is required: Ohm's law, Thevenins and Norton's theorems, basic circuit theory involving linear resistors, capacitors and inductors, operational amplifiers
P BMET2902 or ELEC1103
N ELEC3802 or ELEC8882 or BMET9802
Neural Engineering
6 A ELEC2104 or BMET2922
Advanced Bionics
6 A (ELEC1103 or ELEC2100 or BMET2902) and (BMET2922 or BMET9922)
N AMME5995 or AMME5951 or BMET5951
Students must complete 12 credit points from the following:
Biological Digital Signal Analysis
6 P (ENGG1810 or INFO1110 or INFO1910) and BMET2922
N BMET9997
Introduction to Biomechatronics
6 A Knowledge in mechanical and electronic engineering; adequate maths and applied maths skills; background knowledge of physics, chemistry and biology; Some programming capability: MATLAB, C, C++, software tools used by engineers including CAD and EDA packages
P (MECH3921 or BMET3921) or MTRX3700 or MTRX3760 or (AMME5921 or BMET5921 or BMET9921)
N AMME4790 or AMME5790
Instrumentation for Nanobiotechnology
6 A Knowledge in calculus, linear differential equations, basic mechanics and electromagnetism
Biomedical Machine Learning
6 A (BMET2960 and ENGG1810 and BMET2922) or equivalent study
Introduction to Biophotonics
6 A [BMET2903 or BMET9903] and [ELEC1103 or ELEC2100 or BMET2902]
Biomedical Technology Software
6 A (BMET2922 or BMET9922) and (BMET3660 or BMET9660)
Units taken for the specialisation will also count toward requirements of the Biomedical stream.

Post-publication amendments

Post-publication amendments

Original publication
Post-publication amendment
4/02/2025 Prerequisites (P) for BMET3997 published as:
P ENGG1810 and BMET2922
Prerequisites (P) for BMET3997 amended to:
P (ENGG1810 or INFO1110 or INFO1910) and BMET2922