Woman shaking hands with man

Become an external placement educator

Work with us to build our future workforce
In most health science degrees, students are required to undertake placements with external organisations. By becoming a placement educator, you'll make an invaluable contribution to the development of these future professionals.

About our placements

Our allied health professional degrees require students to complete placements in the authentic workplace environment. The placements are designed to enable students to reach the expected professional competencies through experiencing the real world of work across varied settings. 

Students are supervised by staff from sites in the public and private health sector, education, disability and other private and non-government organisations.

Students undertake placements in the following disciplines:

How to become a placement educator

For professionals interested in offering placements, please contact the relevant work integrated learning discipline contact.

Why become a placement educator?

As an educator, you will experience the personal reward of contributing to the growth and development of your future colleagues and thus growing your profession. In return, students bring to placement their enthusiasm, zest for learning and the latest research findings to inform their and your clinical reasoning. 

You'll have access to education and workshops, and the University of Sydney library. We also invite some individual placement educators to apply for an honorary clinical title in recongition of their significant contributions.

2023 placement calendars

The 2023 placement calenders are now available for reference. Note that these dates may be subject to change and may not apply to students following a non-standard placement progression:

Development and workshops

Online program

Our online program consists of 8 modules that participants can work through online self-paced, prior to attending an interdisciplinary zoom workshop where they put the principles they’ve learned into action. Participants may choose to undertake one or all of these modules as they determine is relevant to their work as a placement educator and the time commitment that they have available. Each module takes 2.5 – 3 hours in total to complete, including the 1 hour zoom workshop.  

Participants will receive a statement of participation when completing the program.

Available modules include:

  • Preparing for placement (Compulsory)
  • Planning quality learning experiences
  • Evaluating placements
  • Effective feedback
  • Principles of assessment
  • Facilitating reflective practice
  • Facilitating peer learning
  • Facilitating interprofessional practice

Registration for the April – May session has now closed, please keep an eye out for September enrolment which will be coming soon.

Face-to-face program

Our face-to-face program will be held on 28 June 2024 at the Susan Wakil Health Building, University of Sydney. The day will include two workshop sessions as well as an award ceremony for the Students’ Choice Clinical Educator Awards 2023. Participants may choose to attend part or all of the day.

Participants will receive a statement of participation when completing the program.

The day will run as follows:

  • 8.30 – 9.00am: Optional Building Tour – Susan Wakil Health Building
  • 9.00am – 12pm: Novice level clinical educators’ workshop
  • 12 – 1.30pm: Networking lunch and Students’ Choice Clinical Educator Awards 2023 presentation
  • 1.30 – 4.30pm: Advanced clinical educators’ workshop

Registration for the face-to-face program is currently open, please register your interest here. In person attendance is limited by venue capacity and attendance will be capped.

Please feel free to pass this email on to others who may be interested in undertaking the program.

If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to reach out shs.wilworkshops@sydney.edu.au.