Students from the University of Sydney's Department of Media and Communications will be part of Australia's largest newsroom reporting on the 2016 federal election campaign.
The University of Sydney UniPollWatch team in action: Dr Tony Davis, tutor Jock Cheetham, and students Thysa Beekman, Lux Lau, Soumya Jyoti and Yvonne Popplewell.
The students will actively report on the election, along with peers from 27 other Australian universities, as part of innovative national student journalism project UniPollWatch project.
The UniPollWatch project aims to cover every lower house seat in the country with electorate and candidate profiles and reporting on key policy issues.
It will also feature interviews with key senate candidates and "explainer" articles to make politics accessible to readers and especially first-time voters.
New voices: Dr Bunty Avieson with Yvonne Popplewell, Thysa Beekman, Dr Tony Davis, Soumya Jyoti and Lux Lau.
Department of Media and Communications Lecturer and UniPollWatch Co-ordinator Dr Bunty Avieson said University of Sydney students chose to participate in the UniPollWatch project as part of an elective offered in the Master of Media Practice program.
"These students have seized this opportunity to practise what they are studying and are enjoying following closely the news as it happens," she said.
The UniPollWatch project is an initiative of the Journalism Education and Research Association of Australia (JERAA). The first UniPollWatch project was conducted in Victoria to cover the state election of 2014.