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Grants success for University of Sydney humanities researchers

18 June 2018
Academics recognised for outstanding scholarly contributions
Humanities academics from the University of Sydney have secured the largest number of 2018 grants awarded by the Australian Academy of the Humanities.

University of Sydney academics secured five of 18 grants and fellowships from the Academy – Australia’s national body for the humanities.

Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Professor Annamarie Jagose, said the success reflects the University’s expertise in the humanities.

“We are Australia’s oldest and most comprehensive Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, and we continue to lead the way in research excellence in the humanities,” she said.

“This is a wonderful recognition of our research strength across a diverse range of disciplines, including art history, film studies, philosophy, European history and East-Asian studies.”

Dr Susan Potter and Dr Stephen Whiteman, both from the Department of Art History are recipients of this year’s Publication Subsidy Scheme, which will assist them with the costs associated with the publication of their research.

Three early-career researchers have also been awarded Humanities Travelling Fellowships, enabling them to undertake research overseas, including accessing archives and other research materials and connecting with international researchers and networks:

In a statement, President of the Australian Academy of the Humanities Professor Joy Damousi FASSA FAHA congratulated the winners.

“The grants and awards are vital to the Academy’s ongoing commitment to promoting outstanding excellence in humanities research,” she said.

“This is especially the case for the future generation of humanities scholars, whom we are delighted to foster, nurture and support through this scheme.”

The Australian Academy of the Humanities is one of Australia’s four Learned Academies and seeks to promote excellence in humanities across schools, university, industry and public life.

Jennifer Peterson-Ward

Senior Manager, Strategic Communications and Engagement

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