
University and ABC supporting emerging voices in humanities

27 March 2019
Applications now open for Top 5 media residency scheme
Following on from a successful inaugural collaboration in 2018, the University is proud to partner with the ABC again to support its popular media residency scheme and raise the profile of humanities research in Australia.

The ABC has today opened applications nationwide for its popular media residency scheme, which will enable Australia’s next generation of scholars to share their knowledge and expertise with audiences hungry for credible and informed debate.

It builds on the success of the first residency scheme for humanities, arts and social sciences scholars last year, resulting from a partnership between the ABC and the University of Sydney. A science communicators’ residency is also now in its fifth year in partnership with UNSW.

Top 5 recipients receive an intensive two-week residency at ABC Radio National in Sydney, working alongside some of Australia’s best journalists and broadcasters in learning the craft of communicating and developing content across radio, television and online.

“The response to our partnership with the ABC for last year’s Top 5 in Humanities was amazing, resulting in high-quality content being developed across multiple ABC programs. We are delighted to be working with the ABC again to support terrific HASS researchers keen to communicate with new audiences,” said Professor Duncan Ivison, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) and Top 5 Ambassador.

“The Top 5 program provides a platform for humanities researchers to demonstrate to the public the positive difference their work makes to the worlds we live in – informing public discourse and policymaking, reframing important national debates, and potentially bettering the lives of Australians,” added Professor Annamarie Jagose, Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences.

“This year, we’re again looking forward to welcoming more of Australia’s brightest minds and newest voices to work with our content teams on sharing their knowledge and discoveries with the ABC’s audience,” Richard Buckham, ABC Head of Specialist content said in a statement.

Applications for the Top 5 media residency close on Wednesday 1 May.

In 2019, the judging panel will include Professor Umberto Ansaldo, Head of the University’s School of Literature, Art and Media, along with Dr Jane Connors from the ABC and Matthew Beard from The Ethics Centre.

In 2018, the Top 5 Humanities researchers included scholars working in fields ranging from demography and health ethics, to Australian identity and politics.

Previous Top 5 recipients have featured in popular ABC programs including Sciencey, Todd Sampson’s Life on the Line, Catalyst, The Drum, The Minefield, Dear Science and Cosmic Vertigo.  

Jennifer Peterson-Ward

Media and PR Adviser (Humanities)

Arts and Social Sciences research with impact