
Experts respond to Sydney night-time economy report

1 October 2019
Government report recommendations in line with Sydney research
A state government report has recommended repealing the lockout laws in the Sydney CBD, consistent with evidence the University of Sydney's Centre for Translational Data Science provided to the government's inquiry.

The Centre for Translational Data Science at the University of Sydney is pleased to have contributed to the evaluation of the future of Sydney’s night time economy.

The Joint Select Committee’s recommendation to rescind the lockout laws in the CBD is in line with the evidence CTDS provided to the committee, which showed that the lockout laws had no significant impact on the incidence of violent crime in the CBD.

As highlighted by the committee, a more detailed analysis of the impact of various policy decisions on crime across the state is needed to continue to reduce violence.  

Finally, we are delighted to be asked to provide ongoing statistical data analysis to the coordinator and inform future decision making. We look forward to working with BOCSAR and other NSW government institutions.


Read the NSW Parliament Report.

Read the Centre for Translational Data Science's submission to the inquiry.

Read the Centre for Translational Data Science's response to additional questions posed by the NSW Parliament.

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