
Free podcasts to get you thinking

24 October 2019
Your guide to free, popular podcasts
From weight loss to the power of daydreaming, here's your guide to some of the captivating podcasts from Raising the Bar Sydney 2019. All 21 talks are available now on Soundcloud and iTunes.

Why daydreaming is actually good for you

Contrary to what you might think, daydreaming is not a waste of time but a sophisticated neural process – linked to enhanced problem-solving, productivity and creativity. And it’s also a luxury we take for granted, with research demonstrating that patients with dementia lose the ability to daydream. 

After listening to Associate Professor Muireann Irish discuss memory, imagination and creativity this fascinating podcast, your homework is to turn off your devices and day dream.

How we are growing bones in the lab

Keen to hear how we went from glass implants to ceramic bone scaffolds that can actually grow new bone?

In this podcast Professor Hala Zreiqat discusses how she created a world-first in bone implant technology, and how 3D printing can help us create new bone, organs and even an entirely new jaw.

Forensic science is not always foolproof

Science and law might seem like different fields, but they’re often closely intertwined. In this podcast, Dr Jason Chin discusses how less-than-rigorous scientific practice has led to dubious and wrongful convictions, drawing on some famous cases.

He also examines how what we take to be foolproof forensic science is not failsafe – for example, finger printing technology is not 100 percent accurate. In fact, finger print analysis is wrong 1 in 300 times.

Tips to help you reduce workplace stress

Did you know more people have a heart attack as they prepare for work on a Monday than on any other day of the week? Or that work stress costs the Australian economy around $11-12 billion per year?

Organisational psychologist Dr Helena Nguyen explains why taking care of employee wellbeing isn’t just the right thing to do – it’s also good for business. Tune in for her tips on how businesses and employees can work together to improve mental health.

A total meal replacement diet that actually works   

It is clinically proven that to get optimal health benefits from weight loss and reduce the risk of heart attacks, strokes and other pains you must lose 10% or more of your total body weight. Most conventional weight-loss strategies that rely on food-based diet and exercise only have a 30% chance of achieving this. So what does work?

Listen to Professor Amanda Salis’ research on total meal replacement and evidence-driven tips on how you can shake up your weight loss!

Keen for more free podcasts?

You can catch up on all the Raising the Bar podcasts on iTunes or Soundcloud.

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