
Chancellor re-elected for a third term

1 May 2020
Belinda Hutchinson to continue as University of Sydney Chancellor
This afternoon, the University of Sydney Senate unanimously agreed to re-appoint Belinda Hutchinson AM to the role of Chancellor for a further four-year term.

Her third term in the role will start on 7 February 2021 and run to 6 February 2025.

Having graduated from the University of Sydney with a Bachelor of Economics, Ms Hutchinson became the institution’s 18th Chancellor in 2013.

Vice-Chancellor and Principal Dr Michael Spence AC said the Senate did not hesitate to re-appoint Ms Hutchinson.

“The respect in which the Chancellor is held both across the University and beyond is evident from today’s decision.

“The Senate’s unanimous decision today ensures a strong champion will continue to lead the institution into the future, as we prepare for a period of change with new challenges and opportunities ahead.”

Ms Hutchinson said she was pleased to be able to continue supporting the wellbeing of the University’s community, while advocating for a strong University and higher education sector.

“I am determined to help provide some vital stability, as we all adapt to this new world we find ourselves in and as we transition to a new Vice-Chancellor when Michael departs for the UK at the end of the year,” Ms Hutchinson said.

“I remain incredibly proud of the University of Sydney, its staff and students, and the vital role our community plays in education and research that’s of benefit to Australia and the world.

“Now, more than ever before, the role of universities is critical.

“We’ve emerged from this summer’s devastating bushfires into a pandemic that’s taking a heavy toll on the world.

“Our researchers are working tirelessly on solutions to these and other problems, while our teaching staff continue to provide exemplary teaching and learning for our students in new and exciting ways.

“It is a privilege to consider myself part of this community, and I look forward to continuing in this role into the future.”

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