Professor Annamarie Jagose has been appointed the University of Sydney's new Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor.
Professor Jagose will take up the new role in mid-October.
The announcement follows a highly competitive and comprehensive local and international search over the last 12 months. The Selection Committee was unanimous in its commendation of Professor Jagose for the role.
Vice-Chancellor and Principal Professor Mark Scott congratulated Professor Jagose, and said he looked forward to working together to continue to enable the University’s research, education, community engagement and innovation to flourish.
“Annamarie brings a strong combination of leadership and management experience at the University, along with experience of leading change and shaping culture within complex academic environments,” Professor Scott said.
Annamarie's detailed understanding of the Australasian higher education sector and our current institutional and operating context positions her well for the role of Provost.
Professor Jagose is an internationally renowned scholar, a Fellow of the Australian Academy of the Humanities and Fellow of the Royal Society of New South Wales, the author of a number of monographs and an award-winning novelist and short story writer. Professor Jagose previously held positions at the University of Melbourne and the University of Auckland before joining the University of Sydney in 2011 as the Head of the School of Literature, Art and Media.
As Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS), Professor Jagose has led the development and implementation of a number of the Faculty’s key initiatives including its 2017-2021 Strategic Plan, comprehensive reviews of curriculum and coursework programs, and FutureFix, a suite of multidisciplinary flagship research projects partnering humanities and social sciences researchers with industry and community on issues of global importance. She has also contributed to a number of University-wide committees, boards and initiatives, including the strategy towards massive open online courses (MOOCs) and the Parramatta/Westmead Campus.
Professor Scott said that as Provost, Professor Jagose will play a pivotal role working alongside him to shape the future vision for the University.
“Annamarie will ensure a focus on outstanding academic performance and scholarship and strategic planning across the faculties, centres and other units. She will also continue to manage our University Schools, as she has been doing in the Interim Pro-Vice-Chancellor (University Schools) role since September last year.”
Professor Jagose said she was honoured to take up the position at a challenging time for the higher education sector.
“Building strongly aligned academic teams and developing individual and collective capability was what attracted me to academic leadership roles in the first place,” Professor Jagose said.
I look forward to partnering with Mark and senior colleagues to lead the University in its next transformational stage.
Professor Scott also thanked Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor Professor Stephen Garton, who has held the responsibilities of the office of the Provost throughout the recruitment process.
The process to appoint an Interim Dean for the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences is underway, ahead of an international search for a permanent Dean.