Minister for Health and Aged Care, the Hon. Mark Butler made the Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee (PBAC) announcement on Wednesday citing Professor Ward’s experience as a distinguished cancer researcher and medical oncologist.
“I welcome the appointment of Professor Ward as Chair of PBAC. She is eminently qualified to lead the PBAC and deliver the advice needed to ensure the PBS delivers equitable and timely access to effective and cost-effective medicines for Australians,” he said.
Professor Robyn Ward AM.
Professor Ward is the Executive Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Health at the University of Sydney. She also has extensive experience in health technology assessment through her role as Chair of Medical Services Advisory Committee since 2009 and as a previous member of the PBAC.
The appointment was made following an expression of interest process conducted by the Department of Health and Aged Care, with Professor Ward taking on the appointment for four years from 5 May 2024.
Professor Annamarie Jagose, Acting Vice-Chancellor and President of the University of Sydney said: “Professor Ward’s appointment as chair of the PBAC is recognition of her significant experience and understanding of the health sector, and the people which it serves. This is an extremely important position, and we commend Professor Ward on her appointment.”
Professor Ward will take over the position from Professor Andrew Wilson AO, Co-Director of the Menzies Centre for Health Policy and Economics at University of Sydney, who is retiring as PBAC Chair after nine years in the role.
“The Government also thanks Professor Andrew Wilson for his leadership and service to the PBAC,” said Minister Butler.
Further information is available on the PBS website.