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European Studies

Unit of study table (Table A)


A major in European Studies requires 48 credit points from this table including:
(i) 12 credit points of 1000-level core units
(ii) 12 credit points of 2000-level selective units
(iii) 6 credit points of 3000-level core units
(iv) 12 credit points of 3000-level selective units
(v) 6 credit points of 3000-level Interdisciplinary Project units


A minor in European Studies requires 36 credit points from this table including:
(i) 12 credit points of 1000-level core units
(ii) 12 credit points of 2000-level selective units
(iii) 12 credit points of 3000-level selective units
Unit of study Credit points A: Assumed knowledge P: Prerequisites
C: Corequisites N: Prohibition

1000 level units of study

European Identity in the 21st Century
Civil Society in Contemporary Europe

2000 level selective units of study

Institutions of the European Union

6 P 12 credit points at 1000 level from Table A or 12 credit points at 1000 level in European Studies
Migrations and Asylum in the EU

6 P 12 Junior credit points from Table A
Screening Europe: After 1989
6 P 12 Junior credit points from Table A
Modern Mediterranean Identities
6 P 12 credit points at 1000 level in one of the following majors: European Studies, French Studies, Germanic Studies, Italian Studies, Modern Greek, Jewish Thought and Civilisation, Biblical Studies and Classical Hebrew, Modern Hebrew, Spanish and Latin American Studies, Arabic Language and Cultures
European Encounters

6 P 12 credit points at 1000 level in European Studies or History or English or Arabic Languages and Cultures or French and Francophone Studies or Germanic Studies or Modern Hebrew or Italian Studies or Modern Greek Studies or Spanish and Latin American Studies
Europe's Religions: Cultures and Beliefs
6 P 12 credit points at 1000 level from Table A
Diversity in the French Speaking World
6 P 12 Junior credit points in any of French Studies, European Studies, International and Global Studies
N FRNC1631 or FRNC2625 or FRNC2627
After the Wall: German Film Since 1989
6 P 12 credit points at 1000 or 2000 or 3000 level from Germanic Studies, or 12 credit points at 1000 level from European Studies, or 12 credits at 1000 level from Film Studies
N GRMN2455
Great Books 1: The Human Condition
6 P 12 credit points at 1000 level from ICLS or English or European Studies or (12 credit points at 1000 or 2000 or 3000 level from Arabic Language and Cultures or Chinese Studies or French and Francophone Studies or Germanic Studies or Modern Hebrew or Indonesian Studies or Italian Studies or Japanese Studies or Korean Studies or Modern Greek and Byzantine Studies or Spanish and Latin American Studies or History)
N ICLS2625
Love in Italian Culture
6 P ITLN2611 or ITLN2631 or (12 credit points at 1000 level or 2000 level or 3000 level in Italian Studies) or 12 credit points at 1000 level in European Studies
Cultural and Social Change in Spain

6 P 12 credit points at 1000 level in Spanish and Latin American Studies or SPAN3001

3000 level core units of study

Europe: Contemporary Issues
6 P 12 credit points at 2000 or 3000 level in European Studies

3000 level selective units of study

Balkan Identities

6 P 12 credit points at 2000 level in European Studies or in French and Francophone Studies or Germanic Studies or Italian Studies or Modern Greek or Spanish and Latin American Studies or Biblical Studies and Classical Hebrew or Modern Hebrew or Jewish Civilisation Thought and Culture or Arabic Language and Cultures or International and Comparative Literary Studies or English
N EUST2606
Political Extremism in Europe

6 P 12 credit points at 2000 level in European Studies
Filming Fiction: The Italian Experience
6 P 12 credit points at 1000 level or 2000 level or 3000 level from Italian Studies or 6 credit points at 1000 level or 2000 level or 3000 level from Italian Studies and 6 credit points at 2000 level from: Arabic Language and Cultures or Asian Studies or Chinese Studies or English or European Studies or Film Studies or French and Francophone Studies or Germanic Studies or International and Comparative Literacy Studies or Modern Hebrew or Indonesian Studies or Italian Studies or Japanese Studies or Korean Studies or Modern Greek Studies or Spanish and Latin American Studies
N ITLN3706
The Holocaust: History and Aftermath
6 P 12 credit points at 2000 level in Jewish Civilisation, Thought and Culture or 12 credit points at 2000 level in European Studies or 12 credit points at 2000 level in History
The Modern Jewish Experience
6 P 12 credit points at 2000 level in Jewish Civilisation, Thought and Culture or 12 credit points at 2000 level in European Studies or 12 credit points at 2000 level in History or 12 credit points at 2000 level in Modern Hebrew
Representing the Holocaust

6 P 12 credit points at 2000 level in Jewish Civilisation Thought and Culture or International and Comparative Literature Studies or English or European Studies
Greek Modernism in European Context

6 P 12 credit points at 2000 level in Modern Greek or European Studies or MGRK2603 or MGRK3002 or MGRK3607
N MGRK2508
Modern Greek Politics

6 P 12 credit points at 2000 level in Modern Greek or European Studies or MGRK2603, or MGRK3002 or MGRK3607
N MGRK2512
Contemporary Art in Greece
6 P 12 credit points at 2000 or 3000 level in Modern Greek
N MGRK2655 or MGRK2506
Greek Modernity and its Others

6 P 12 credit points at 2000 level in Modern Greek or MGRK2603 or MGRK3002 or MGRK3607
N MGRK2501 or MGRK2622
Spain: A Nation of Nations?
6 P SPAN3001 or SPAN3611 or 12 credit points at 2000 level in European Studies

Interdisciplinary project unit of study

If you are completing two majors and both of your majors are from the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, please select the Interdisciplinary Impact unit of study for your first major, and the Industry and Community Project unit of study for your second major.
If you are completing two majors but only one of your majors is from the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, please select the Interdisciplinary Impact unit of study for that major.
If you are completing one major only and that major is from the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, please select the Interdisciplinary Impact unit of study for your major.
Interdisciplinary Impact
6 P Completion of at least 90 credit points
Industry and Community Project

6 P 72 credit points
C Interdisciplinary Impact in any major