
Donors pave the way for students and research

4 September 2015
Thanks to everyone who supported our second annual fundraising challenge

Yesterday, more than 1000 donors helped raise $3.6 million for students and research as the University held its 24-hour fundraising challenge, Pave the Way.

The total, $3,680,382, surpassed our inaugural 2014 campaign by more than $2.7 million.

"Philanthropy plays such a powerful role at the University. We are proud to have such a large community of supporters who believe in what we do, and want to help us grow and strengthen our programs," said Tim Dolan, Vice-Principal (Advancement), Division of Alumni and Development.

"Every gift, no matter how much, has an impact. Thank you to everyone who got involved with Pave the Way yesterday to support students facing physical, mental health and financial barriers and health research."

This year, the online and on-campus event was also supported by a number of major gifts, including $1 million from Mr Roger Massy-Greene and University Chancellor Belinda Hutchinson AM.

Their gift will establish scholarships to attract and support more science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) graduates into the Master of Teaching and ultimately improve STEM teaching in disadvantaged schools.

Other generous donations included:

  • $75,000 to Indigenous scholarships from the Rosebrook Foundation
  • $1 million to set up the Ho Kong Fung Ling Research Fund and Postgraduate Scholarship at the Charles Perkins Centre
  • $18,000 from Caroline Wilkinson to support the Sydney Conservatorium of Music’s Rising Stars program
  • $120,000 from the Walter and Eliza Hall Trust for 20 scholarships, including five for students with a physical disability
  • $600,000 from the Family of Dr Charles Warman AM to preserve our beloved Great Hall
  • $750,000 from an anonymous donor.

In addition, an anonymous alumnus of the University kindly agreed to match gifts dollar for dollar up to the value of $25,000.

"We were delighted to see people from all areas of the University get involved, with support from staff more than double that of last year and 44 percent of participation coming from our alumni," Mr Dolan said.

To find out more about the day and activities on campus, visit

A thank you message from Vice-Chancellor and Principal Dr Michael Spence.

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