
Nanoscience and technology institute launching

9 March 2016
Cross-disciplinary institute and flagship $150m building cements Sydney's place advancing frontier knowledge.

The Australian Institute for Nanoscale Science and Technology, launching next month, provides a world-leading environment for scientists at the forefront of nanotechnology to address some of the biggest challenges facing society. Today's Sydney Morning Herald front page feature gives an insight into our "quantum leap" into the next frontier.

The Sydney Nanoscience Hub

The new Sydney Nanoscience Hub is part of the Australian Institute for Nanoscale Science and Technology. 

The buildings in which we work, rather than our imaginations, are what's been limiting us.
Associate Professor Michael Biercuk.

The Australian Institute for Nanoscale Science and Technology will provide core research facilities available to the public.

The Australian Institute for Nanoscale Science and Technology, which launches next month at the University of Sydney, brings together in a purpose-built facility the capacity to design, fabricate, measure, test and deploy nanotechnology innovations – in an Australian first.

The new $150m Sydney Nanoscience Hub - the headquarters of the Australian Institute for Nanoscale Science and Technology - is among the most advanced laboratories for advanced measurement and experimental device demonstration globally built for this purpose and joins just a handful of facilities at some of the most prominent Universities globally. 

Available for public use will be a prototyping facility and cleanroom, which will be augmented by a bespoke electron microscope in one of the most electromagnetically and mechanically stable environments in the world.

Interviews, video and interactive multimedia are available in the feature in the Sydney Morning Herald.

Read more about the Institute's leadership team

The Australian Institute for Nanoscale Science and Technology officially launches on 20 April, 2016. 

Vivienne Reiner

PhD Candidate and Casual Academic
  • Integrated Sustainability Analysis,