Two new scholarships are available for students completing their Doctor of Veterinary Medicine in memory of Veterinary Science alumni, Graham Jew.
The Sydney School of Veterinary Science is thrilled to announce two new student scholarships that have been established in perpetuity. This generous endowment will financially support students to complete their studies and placements.
The Graham Frederick Ramsey Jew Scholarship is offered to high achieving students studying in years one to four of their Doctor of Veterinary Medicine who may be experiencing financial difficulties. The scholarship is available to domestic students to defray the costs of accommodation and general living expenses, offsetting the cost of studying at university.
The Jew Family Travel Scholarship is available for domestic students in their fourth year of the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine to undertake their placement in Africa, or in another developing nation, with a focus on animal welfare.
Graham was concerned that students from disadvantaged backgrounds with the empathy and skills to become veterinary surgeons could be deterred from embarking on a career as a vet...
Graham Jew on safari in Tanzania.
Graham Jew graduated from the University of Sydney with a Bachelor of Veterinary Science in 1975, where he was well known for having a great sense of humour and passion for his chosen career. He began his career in NSW, before travelling in southern Africa and Europe, finally settling in England, working in a small animal practice. His well-travelled spay hook finally had a permanent home.
Graham worried that the veterinary profession seemed to be heading in a direction where money and position were more important than the welfare of the animals. He was concerned that students from disadvantaged backgrounds with the empathy and skills to become veterinary surgeons could be deterred from embarking on a career as a vet by expensive course fees. The Graham Frederick Ramsey Jew Scholarship aims to enable students in this situation to keep veterinary science in their grasp.
The travel scholarship acknowledges Graham’s work and interest in southern Africa. The welfare of domestic livestock in developing countries is vital for the livelihoods of farmers who depend upon them, and the welfare of stray domestic pets is regularly overlooked. Additionally, the role of veterinary science in wildlife conservation is becoming increasingly important, however, veterinary capacity can be extremely limited. This scholarship aims to support students who will contribute to improving animal welfare whilst gaining the experience to develop their career, hopefully igniting a similar passion and lasting contribution to veterinary science in developing countries.
Graham was well respected and popular with clients, colleagues and patients alike. He encouraged staff to develop their knowledge and take on new challenges. He was well known for his kindness, compassion and excellent surgical skills.
Professor Rosanne Taylor, the Head of School and Dean of the Sydney School of Veterinary Science has expressed her gratitude for these generous gifts.
“These endowed scholarships are so appreciated, and so important to ensure that students are not deterred from fulfilling their ambitions of being a vet because of their financial situation. The opportunity to learn about wildlife medicine in Africa will enable a fortunate student to realise their dreams.
“I’d like to thank our donors who play such a vital role in ensuring our students receive timely encouragement and support to complete their studies. This year, we have a record number of endowed scholarships, including an endowment from a grateful pet owner and client of our University Veterinary Teaching Hospitals at Camden and Camperdown,” said Professor Taylor.
In addition to these two new scholarships, the following scholarships are available in 2017:
The Professor Marsh Edwards AO Scholarship