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Mechanical Engineering stream

Energy and the Environment specialisation

Energy and the Environment specialisation

Students in the Mechanical or Mechanical (Space) stream must complete 18 credit points to achieve this specialisation.
Unit of study Credit points A: Assumed knowledge P: Prerequisites
C: Corequisites N: Prohibition
Students complete the following core unit:
Energy and the Environment
6 A Students are expected to be familiar with the basic laws of thermodynamics, fluid mechanics and heat transfer
P MECH3260 or MECH9260 or MECH8260 or AERO3261 or AERO9261 or AERO8261 or CHNG2803
N AMME8101
Students complete 12 credit points from the following:
Computational Fluid Dynamics
6 A Partial differential equations; Finite difference methods; Taylor series; Basic fluid mechanics including pressure, velocity, boundary layers, separated and recirculating flows. Basic computer programming skills
P [(MECH3261 and AMME2000) or (AERO3260 and AMME2000)] or ENGG5202 or MECH8261
N AMME8202
Vibration and Acoustics
6 P (AMME2301 or AMME9301) and (AMME2200 or AMME2261 or AMME9261) and (AMME2500 or AMME9500)
N AMME8510
Air Conditioning and Refrigeration
MECH3260 or MECH8260 or MECH9260 or equivalent study at another institution
A Students are expected to be familiar with the basic laws of thermodynamics, fluid mechanics and heat transfer
N MECH4255
6 P (MECH3260 or MECH8260 or MECH9260) and (MECH3261 or MECH8261 or MECH9261) or equivalent study at another institution
A Students are expected to be familiar with the basic laws of thermodynamics, fluid mechanics and heat transfer
N MECH4265 or MECH8265
Applied Fluid Dynamics and Turbulence
6 P MECH3261 or MECH8261 or MECH9261 or CIVL3612 or CIVL9612 or AERO3260 or AERO8260 or AERO9260
Renewable Energy
6 A The student will need a sound background in advanced level fluid mechanics, thermodynamics and heat transfer. In particular, students should be able to analyse fluid flow in turbomachinery; perform first and second law thermodynamic analysis of energy conversion systems, including chemically reacting systems; and perform advanced level calculations of conductive and convective and radiative heat transfer, including radiative spectral analysis
P (MECH3260 and MECH3261) or (AMME2262 and CHNG2803 and MECH3261) or (MECH8260 and MECH8261) or (MECH9260 and MECH9261) or (AERO3260 and AERO3261) or (AERO8260 and AERO8261) or (AERO9260 and AERO9261) or equivalent study at another institution
Units taken for the specialisation will also count toward requirements of the Mechanical stream.