
Our research

Leading multidisciplinary research in musculoskeletal health
We bring together a diverse group of world leading researchers, strengthening our ability to achieve transformative research, while delivering new opportunities and greater assistance to our teams.

Our research strategy will focus on areas of strength, drawing upon the expertise and resources of the University of Sydney, Sydney Local Health District and the Northern Sydney Local Health District.

Our Research Portfolios bring together the tremendous expertise across the flagships’ well-respected research teams. Collectively, they will undertake collaborative research addressing the needs of society and will strive to discover new ways to prevent, manage and cure disabling musculoskeletal conditions, to improve health outcomes for all.

Initiatives to enable research and research translation

The Australian Arthritis and Autoimmune Biobank Collaborative (A3BC) is a national musculoskeletal and autoimmune biobanking network with state-of-the-art data collection, data linkage, big data analytics and machine-learning capabilities.

The PEDro, the Physiotherapy Evidence database is a free database of over 55,000 trials, reviews and guidelines evaluating physiotherapy interventions.

PEDro also has monthly emails known as Evidence in Your Inbox that you can sign-up for.

They are designed to inform you of the latest research included on PEDro across 15 areas of physiotherapy practice.

The DiTA, the Diagnostic Test Accuracy database is produced by the PEDro partnership.

It is a free database that indexes primary studies of diagnostic test accuracy and systematic reviews of diagnostic test accuracy studies related to physiotherapy practice.

DiTA also has a monthly Evidence in Your Inbox email that you can sign-up for.