The University of Sydney School of Medicine

<p>Over 160 years of excellence in medical education and research</p>


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Improving human health and welfare

The University of Sydney School of Medicine is dedicated to developing caring, clinically outstanding, research-capable and globally aware graduates who become leaders in their chosen professions.

Our students build a strong foundation of knowledge and skills in medicine, enriched by our extensive network of clinical schools and teaching hospitals across New South Wales.

Our research spans over 19 disciplines and is focused on both discovery and translating discoveries into improved healthcare, with major programs of research into diseases and health challenges of national and international significance.

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Professor Stephen Fuller
Acting Head of School and Dean

Associate Professor Stuart Lane
Director, Sydney Medical Program

Sue Darling
School Manager

Medical Program: Associate Professor Stuart Lane, Director, Sydney Medical Program

Indigenous Health Team: Mr Jack Delacy,  Lecturer Indigenous Health

Postgraduate Education:

Postgraduate Research: