
Statement on JobKeeper Payment scheme

24 April 2020
Eligible staff are encouraged to apply
The University Executive believes the University is eligible to receive funding under the recently announced JobKeeper Payment for entities that have been significantly affected by the economic impacts of COVID-19.

Today Vice-Chancellor Dr Michael Spence wrote to colleagues (here and here) who are eligible for the federal government’s JobKeeper wage subsidy payment scheme, asking them to complete a nomination form.

Our current estimate is that we will experience a shortfall of $470 million for 2020 as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

We are doing all we can to protect jobs at our university. Part of that is applying for the government’s JobKeeper program which was created to try and support people’s employment.

The JobKeeper scheme is based on GST turnover over a particular time frame. During one of the relevant periods of time we calculated a revenue reduction of over 50 percent in our GST turnover, whether or not government grants are included.

We consider ourselves eligible to participate in the scheme as we meet the required criteria, and believe our most responsible course of action is to seek to apply for it.

We’re working rapidly to complete our application. While this is not yet guaranteed, we’re determined to continue to do everything possible to make sure we are able to maintain our teaching and research, and to retain our staff through this uncertain period.