Staff using our mass spectrometry facilities

Sydney Mass Spectrometry

"-omics" specialists for the life sciences
Sydney Mass Spectrometry provides state–of-the-art tools and expertise for proteomics, metabolomics and mass spectrometry imaging for the life and biomedical science communities.

Sydney Mass Spectrometry provides access to cutting-edge instrumentation and expert assistance for proteomics, glycomics, metabolomics, lipidomics, and mass spectrometry imaging.

Our facilities feature a diverse portfolio of 20 mass spectrometers, with extensive data processing and analysis packages, and are located across three sites: the Charles Perkins Centre at the University of Sydney Camperdown Campus, the Kolling Institute at Royal North Shore Hospital and the Biomedical Building in the South Eveleigh precinct. 

Our specialist technical staff have over 50 years’ combined experience and are on hand to provide high-level training, project development, and contract research services.

We welcome enquiries regarding our range of research services available on a contractual basis. Examples of our services include:

  • Protein identification – either by peptide mass fingerprinting (for samples like bands on a gel) or by one dimensional liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry (1D LC-MS) which can be used for more complex protein mixtures, such as pull-down assays
  • Quantitative discovery proteomics – for a comprehensive analysis of complex protein mixtures which typically identifies and quantifies thousands of proteins. There is a choice of label-based or label-free methods
  • Targeted metabolomics – there is a growing repertoire of targeted assays covering groups of compounds such as bile acids, central carbon metabolites, short chain fatty acids or synthetic compounds such as PFAS
  • Targeted lipidomics – our method covers >550 lipid species, across 34 lipid classes and subclasses
  • Service research – for the more challenging research, where we don’t have an established assay, we can design a bespoke method to meet your research goals.



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Sydney Mass Spectrometry

  • Sydney Mass Spectrometry has locations across multiple sites including the Charles Perkins Centre at the University of Sydney, the Kolling Institute at Royal North Shore Hospital and the Biomedical Building in the South Eveleigh precinct. Our headquarters are in the Charles Perkins Centre.
Delivery address
Sydney Mass Spectrometry via The Hub Loading Dock, Charles Perkins Centre (D17) Orphans School Creek Lane, Camperdown University of Sydney, NSW 2006 Dock receiving time: 08:00 – 16:00, Mon - Fri.

Locations include

Charles Perkins Centre

Kolling Institute